Republican Cheating Scandals

Displaying 1 - 100 of 205 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
Grabbed and forcefully shoved his paramour out of a door leaving noticeable bruising on her arm and then tried to get her to lie to the police about how she got her injuries while also being married with two young childrenAccording to an incident report released by the Washington DC police department
463kMAGA Enthusiast
Allegedly groped another man's genitals while he gazed into his eyes after he was asked to leave a local bar because he was making people uncomfortable while also being marriedAccording to seven eyewitnesses who witnessed Schlapp grope the victim
Ronald JohnsonSchool Board Member [R-NC]
Attempted to extort a congressional candidate by threatening to release a potentially damaging secret recording he had of him unless he pressured a woman Johnson was having an affair with to deny its existence and then removed evidence from his office while officers were executing a search warrant against himAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Kurt SchenkPastor [R]
Sexually assaulted his 21-year-old relative who lived with autism and a learning disability in his garage after spending months gaining her trust as the pastor of her church and grooming her with secret sexualized communications while also being marriedAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Was "very handsy with women" and exhibited a "what-happens-in-Vegas-stays-in-Vegas" inclination during numerous work trips away from his wife and young children11/15/24
Fathered a child out of wedlock with another woman which resulted in an "irretrievable breakdown" of his first marriage and eventual divorceAccording to an exclusive report by The New Yorker
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Forcibly kissed and fondled Miss Switzerland Beatrice Keul moments after she was ushered into a room for a private meeting with him less than a month before he married MarlaAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Lucas LaniganState Representative
Choked his wife so forcefully that she required a trip to the hospital after she confronted him over an extramarital affair she suspected he was havingAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Placed his hands "all over" model Stacey Williams' breasts, waist and buttocks after being introduced to her by Jeffrey Epstein while he was married to MarlaAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Jamey NoelFmr. Sheriff [R-IN]
Fraudulently charged over $5 million on personal expenses including more than 130 luxury and classic cars which he then sold and pocketed the proceeds from, $60k worth of airline tickets for a woman he was having an extramarital affair with and other family members including his wife, vacations, designer clothes and a multitude of other expenses using fire department credit cards funded and paid for by the publicAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Had an affair with a woman and then paid her $7400 for part-time work in his local taxpayer paid for district office that she never showed up for according to four co-workers and only stopped paying her after his fiancée found outAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Mark RobinsonLt. Governor [R]
Posted such extremely lewd and shocking comments on an adult website that CNN refused to publish the vast majority due to their extraordinarily "graphic nature"According to an exclusive report by CNN
Wrote multiple shockingly vulgar posts about participating in a variety of explicit sex acts with his wife's sister on an adult website which were so detailed that it begs the question of whether he was fantasizing or actually admitting to having an affair with herAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
27.8mMAGA Enthusiast
Sensually kissed model and influencer Bettina Anderson at least three times on the mouth during what one witness described as "definitely" a date at a busy restaurant while also being engaged to MAGA firebrand Kimberly GuilfoyleAccording to an exclusive report by the Daily Mail
Had an extramarital affair with a woman that resulted in the destruction of his marriage after he refused his wife's overture to reconcile while also publicly portraying himself as “a Christian, conservative family man” who adheres to traditional Christian valuesAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Todd HiettCommissioner [R-OK]
Groped a male client's groin and other areas of his body after getting so drunk he couldn't "speak more than one or two words at a time" at a business conference while also being a married fatherAccording to an official complaint filed by at least two employees who were present
Robert MorrisFmr. Gateway Church TelevangelistTrump's "evangelical executive advisory board"
Digitally penetrated, groped and kissed a twelve-year-old girl over a multiyear period and only got caught after she told her parents once he began pressuring her to have sex with him when she turned sixteen while also being married with a young childAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Zack ScrivnerCounty Supervisor
Allegedly sexually assaulted his preteen daughter who along with her siblings was granted an order of protection against him while authorities investigated the allegation further while still being married to his estranged wifeAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
463kMAGA Enthusiast
Fondled Herschel Walker campaign staffer Carlton Huffman in the crotch without his consent and unsuccessfully tried to convince him to go back to his room while also being married and then paid Huffman $480,000 through an insurance policy to settle his sexual harassment lawsuit out of courtAccording to victim testimony in a report from The Daily Beast
304kMAGA Enthusiast
Sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl who went to his church and babysat his own children inside his church, personal office, car and also at her home over three-year period when he was in his mid-20's where she said he would often move her hand down to his groin to have her "touch him sexually" and he would "touch [her] in return" and also often kissed her "like a man kisses a woman" while also being married with young children at homeAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Defecated on a WWE employee he coerced into a nonconsensual sexual relationship while also being married and then commanded her to give oral sex to his friend while feces were running down her head1/25/24
Teamed up with a male WWE employee to physically restrain and sexually assault a female WWE employee after they shoved her into a locked room at company headquarters and mocked her pleas for them to stop by taunting that "No means yes" while also being marriedAccording to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
Tony YochamFmr. Chief of Police
Sexually abused a child multiple times before he was caught and arrested while also being a married father of five childrenAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Scott FinkbeinerFmr. Sheriff [R-AR]
Unbuttoned his pants and forced his victim to manually stimulate him while high on crystal meth at a local drug house after he unsuccessfully propositioned her for sex while also being marriedAccording to charging documents filed by state and federal officials
463kMAGA Enthusiast
Stripped down to his underwear and grinded against another male without his consent at a fundraising event in Florida while also being marriedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Raped a woman he and his wife Bridget Ziegler previously had group sex with and have known for 20 years after she tried to cancel their planned tryst because Bridget could no longer participateAccording to a police complaint filed by the alleged victim
304kMAGA Enthusiast
Groomed and manipulated a 19-year-old girl who was 23 years younger than him into having a secret yearslong sexual relationship with him that she claimed included doing everything except sexual intercourse by first gaining her trust as her pastor where he would take her and her brother on seemingly innocuous outings to restaurants, bookstores and the park which eventually led to the point where she claimed he crossed the line and "kept crossing it more severely sexually” while also being marriedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Cheated on and left his wife of 34 years for a DC lobbyist after having spent years touting "traditional family values" as a pillar of his political identityAccording to court filings first reported by the local newspaper Index-Journal
Had a multiyear extramarital affair with North Dakota Governer Kristi Noem while also being married with childrenAccording to five sources who spoke exclusively with the New York Post
2.3mLauded by Trump
Engaged in a multiyear extramarital affair with former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski while also being married with three young children who made conservative "family values" a central part of her public personaAccording to five sources who spoke exclusively with the New York Post
Groped and tried to kiss his male legislative intern while being driven home from an alcohol-fueled event at a local bar and then unsuccessfully tried to convince him to come up to his hotel room to have sex while also being married7/07/23
Told his male legislative aide "I want all of that butt" and then slapped it while they were standing in the back of an elementary school classroom full of children during a Career Day event while also being marriedAccording to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
Was sued for $200k by a husband who claimed he used his position to persuade his wife, who was a mid-level state government employee, to engage in a yearslong affair that included instances of group sex and led to the eventual destruction of the couple's marriageAccording to a $200,000 civil lawsuit filed by former Republican candidate Scott Lassiter
Had unprotected sex with an inebriated 19-year-old he had provided alcohol to which a Republican-led investigation determined was tantamount to rape because his victim "could not effectively consent to intercourse" due to the influence of alcohol and also because she very likely would have said no as it was her first time having sex and later took her to the drugstore so should could purchase emergency contraception while also being a married "family values" lawmaker who routinely denounced the so-called "grooming" of childrenAccording to an official complaint filed against Slaton and exclusively reported by The Texas Tribune
Rupert MurdochFmr. Fox News CEOLauded by Trump
According to an exclusive interview his ex-wife gave to New York magazine
George SantosFmr. U.S. Representative
697kMAGA Enthusiast
Grabbed potential employee Derek Myers' crotch without his consent while they were alone in his office and then told him "my husband is out of town tonight if you want to come over" which he declinedAccording to a firsthand account from the alleged victim who also filed an official complaint with the U.S. Capitol Police and the House Ethics Committee
Jaron RosienMayor [R-IA]
Slid his hand up a male victim's thigh, groped his genitals and kissed him on his cheek (or ear) which "was in no way consented to" by the victim after hours at a bar he owned while also being married to his husbandAccording to charging documents filed by local police -
Forced Fox Business producer Jennifer Eckhart to perform oral sex on him in an office at Fox News’ headquarters and then later sent her threatening text messages bragging about how he physically injured her while also being marriedAccording to a civil lawsuit filed against Henry and Fox News by the alleged victim
Brian StoutState Representative
Began performing oral sex on a woman which went beyond what she had consented to and despite her repeatedly telling him to stop which he only did when his wife walked in the room12/02/22
Kissed and cuddled with a woman who wasn't his wife in his office and then out of nowhere pushed her onto the couch and physically restrained her while he quietly stared at her with what she described as a "weird look" which frightened her so much that a judge granted her a restraining order against him for five yearsAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Joel KoskanFmr. State Rep. Nominee
Raped, orally penetrated and sexually molested his adopted daughter over a six-year period beginning when she was just twelve years old and waged an intimidation campaign to keep her quiet by monitoring her every move via GPS and home video surveillance, which ironically is how he found out she reported him to the police while also being a married father of young childrenAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Jody GreeneFmr. Sheriff [R-NC]
Had a monthslong extramarital affair with a female subordinate where they had sex in multiple places including his office, home and a local shooting range -- once even kicking out the window of his patrol car while they were having sex -- and eventually impregnated herAccording to court records reported by local publications
1.4mMAGA Podcaster
Drunkenly grabbed a co-worker's breasts without her consent while they sat next to each other in a crowded movie theater while also being married at the timeAccording to an inhouse investigation resulting in his firing -
Perry Hooper Jr.Trump Campaign AL Co-ChairMAGA Enthusiast
Grabbed a restaurant hostess's breasts, kissed her neck and shoved his pelvis into her and then taunted that he'll "get away with it" because he's a member of a politically connected family while also married with three childrenAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Scott EskFmr. State Rep. Candidate
Allegedly made frequent phone calls to a "house of prostitution" presumably to have sex with the women who worked there while also being a married father of threeAccording to accusations made by his estranged wife in her divorce filing
Matthew LeveridgeState's Attorney [R-KY]
Impregnated a criminal defendant his office prosecuted sometime during their two-month affair and then rescinded her pretrial diversion agreement presumably out of payback for telling his wife about the affair and baby8/03/22
Engaged in an extramarital affair with a woman who was serving jury duty in the court he was prosecuting cases in and would often boast to her that he "don't have no boss" who could reprimand him for itHad an extramarital affair with a probation officer who worked closely with defendants he presumably could have secured convictions on which makes him vulnerable to claims of bias in courtAccording to a report by The Daily Beast
Used his influence as a US Rep. to convince a judge to order the arrest and jailing of the husband of a woman he was having an extramarital affair with on bogus kidnapping charges so he could continue seeing her unabatedAccording to an exclusive report by the Charleston Post and Courier
Richard BraswellCommissioner [R-NC]
Sexually molested a 13-year-old girl he spent years cultivating a relationship with at church and in the community while also being marriedAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Matt McIlravyFmr. Mayor [R-TX]
Solicited sex with who he thought was a 12-year-old girl but was instead an undercover police officer over a series of private messages on the internet while also being a married father of two boysAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Dan SnyderNFL OwnerDonated $1.1m to Trump's 1st inaugural
Tried to remove a female Washington Commanders employee's clothes, groped her and unsuccessfully tried to get her to have sex with him in a private area of his chartered plane out of view of the other passengers while also being marriedAccording to allegations made by the alleged victim first reported by The Washington Post
Engaged in a yearlong extramarital affair with a woman who was formerly married to an ISIS terrorist and paid her $5,000 to keep quiet about itAccording to a statement in which he admitted to the affair and announced he was ending his reelection campaign
Brad NamdarFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
Hired a professional escort for sex on two separate occasions and refused to pay her after the second time they had sex while also being marriedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Dan SnyderNFL OwnerDonated $1.1m to Trump's 1st inaugural
Grabbed a Washington Commanders employee's thigh without her consent while seated at a crowded restaurant table and later that same night followed her out of the restaurant, put his hand on her lower back and "aggressively" pushed her toward his limo and only let her go when his own lawyer intervened while also being marriedAccording to Congressional testimony by the alleged victim
Had an affair with a WWE employee 35 years younger than him and then doubled her salary to $200k and paid her $3 million after she agreed to sign a nondisclosure agreement that forced her to keep their tryst a secret which she later testified in court was signed under duressAccording to an investigative report by The Wall Street Journal -
Lee ChatfieldFmr. House Speaker [R-MI]A+ NRA Rating
According to a statement in which he admitted to the affairs while denying a related sexual assault allegation1/07/22
Allegedly raped and sexually abused a minor over many years beginning when she was fifteen years old and continued well into her adulthood while being married the entire timeAccording to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim and reported by local media -
Tim PhillipsFmr. Americans for Prosperity President
Engaged in an extramarital affair with a woman who worked at his organization while being married with four childrenAccording to an exclusive report by CNBC News
Drunkenly grabbed a married Trump donor's backside and leg at a private charity event in Las Vegas while also being married with young children himself and told her that "he gets his sex elsewhere"According to charging documents filed by local police
Michael HunterFmr. Att. General [R-OK]
Engaged in an extramarital affair with a state government employee which resulted in his resignation from office and dissolution of his marriageAccording to an exclusive report by The Oklahoman
Had a three-year long extramarital affair with a woman and when he denied it, she released a 17-minute recording of the pair talking about all the sexual acts they performed together over the yearsAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Drunkenly unhooked a 25-year-old junior lobbyist's bra and massaged her thigh without her consent at a table full of lobbyists at an Irish pub while he was married with two childrenAccording to the alleged victim who publicly accused Reed of groping her -
5.7mMAGA Enthusiast
Had an affair with a polyamorous tantric sex aficionado and professional weightlifter while also being married with three young children2/11/21
According to an exclusive report by the Daily Mail
Bill BroughFmr. State RepresentativeWorked in George W Bush's Administration
Allegedly forcibly pinned down, raped and sodomized a legislative aide in her car as she screamed and attempted to flee while also being married with young children at homeAccording to an official complaint filed by the victim with the Sacramento police five years after the alleged offense
Incessantly subjected a legislative staffer to "extremely offensive and non-consensual physical contact" and peppered her with "repeated and unwanted advances" over a yearslong period while also being marriedAccording to a report by local ABC affiliate Eyewitness News
Coerced a 25-year-old woman seeking his mentorship to get naked and enter the bathtub in his Las Vegas hotel suite and fondled her until she "submitted to the pressure" of his advances and had sex with him while also being marriedAccording to a civil lawsuit filed against Henry and Fox News by Jennifer Eckhart
Had a yearslong extramarital affair with a woman who worked for a Republican state senator and was able to keep it secret by using a fake Uber account to rendezvous with her and then facilitated her transfer to a job working for a wealthy business executive and donor he was criminally involved withAccording to two people with direct knowledge who spoke on condition of anonymity with The Associated Press
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Shoved his tongue down aspiring actress Amy Dorris' throat and groped her in a way she felt like an "octopus was hugging" her when she was away from view of her boyfriend in Trump's box at the 1997 US Open Tennis Championships while he was married to Marla MaplesAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Allegedly handcuffed and "violently" raped Fox Business producer Jennifer Eckhart so roughly that he left her "bruised and battered with bloody wrists" after he lured her to his hotel room ostensibly to discuss her career trajectory at Fox News while also being marriedAccording to a civil lawsuit filed against Henry and Fox News by the alleged victim -
Mitchell EnglanderFmr. City Council Member
Had sex with an escort that was paid for by a businessperson he was accepting bribes from during a trip in Las Vegas while being married to his "high school sweetheart" and having two childrenAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Instigated a sexual relationship with a subordinate 14 years younger than him after intentionally deflating her tires so "she couldn't go anywhere" and therefore make it more likely she would accept a ride home from him while being married with two young childrenAccording to an acknowledgement on live TV in which he bragged about his actions
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Thrust his crotch on Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos and forcibly kissed her without consent inside a Beverly Hills Hotel suite he asked her to visit ostensibly to talk about future employment opportunities at the same time he was married to MelaniaGrabbed and fondled a model’s breasts under the guise of "inspecting" her bra’s fabric backstage at a lingerie show while he was married to MarlaPlaced his hands on runway model NaKina Carr in the "most inappropriate places" like her hip, buttocks or "on the boob. Every time" and would also "immediately put his mouth" her without first asking for consent or giving her a chance to move her mouth away from his while he was married to IvanaAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Allegedly paid for group sex with an adult-film star and a young looking teenager of unknown age inside a secret Times Square sex club run by the Mafia while he was married to IvanaFirsthand account from mobster and self-proclaimed eyewitness John Tino, Deemed credible enough for publication by authors Barry Levine and Monique El-Faizy
Grabbed Mar-a-Lago resident Karen Johnson by her vagina and pulled her behind a tapestry where he kissed and fondled her without consent while knowing Melania was upstairs at the same time7/17/19
Kissed journalist Faith Daniels on the lips right in front of the paparazzi without her consent while he was dating future wife Marla Maples at the timeAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Had an extramarital affair with Ted Cruz's 2016 presidential campaign's press secretary while his wife was pregnant with their second childAccording to an exclusive report by Mediaite7/16/19
Paid to have sex with numerous prostitutes and professional escorts and frequented massage parlors where he paid for "happy endings" over a sixteen-year period while also being married the entire timeAccording to an exclusive report by Mediaite
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Kissed "Apprentice" contestant Jennifer Murphy on the mouth without her consent outside of an elevator at Trump Tower the same year he married MelaniaFirsthand account from Jennifer Murphy, Voted for Trump
Allegedly raped writer E. Jean Carroll after he forcibly pushed her against a dressing room wall inside the Bergdorf Goodman department store while he was married to MarlaAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Bryce MarlattFmr. State Senator [R-OK]
Forcibly grabbed and kissed his female Uber driver on the neck without her consent while he was married with three childrenHe pled guilty to a misdemeanor and was sentenced to 90 days of probation and ordered to pay a $500 fine
Brian EllisFmr. State Representative
Had sex with an unconscious woman who woke up "in pain, injured and naked" in a bed next to him without any memory of having sex with him after a night of "casually drinking" less than two drinks with friends and in addition to being unable to legally consent to sex she had made it "abundantly clear" to him many times before that she was not interested in a sexual relationship, not least because he was marriedAccording to an exclusive report by The Philadelphia Inquirer
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Grabbed the hand of and kissed campaign worker Alva Johnson on the mouth even after she tried to turn her head away while he was married to MelaniaAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Ralph ShorteyFmr. State Senator [R-OK]Trump 2016 Oklahoma campaign chair
Paid for sex with a 17-year-old minor boy he found on Craigslist at a local Super 8 Motel while also being a married father with four young children and an avid supporter of Anti-LGBT legislation who proclaimed he was a “family values Republican”Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Jeff HooverFmr. State Representative
Sexually assaulted his 21-year-old legislative staffer more than 50 times over a three-year period subjecting her to what she testified as "nearly daily touching" including groping between her legs while seated next to her at large political functions and then secretly settled a lawsuit she filed against him in order to prevent her allegations from becoming public while being married the entire timeAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Steve WatkinsFmr. U.S. Representative95.3% Voted with Trump
Engaged in multiple extramarital affairs which an acquaintance described as being "out of control" while professing in public to be a "family man" who was devoted to his wifeAccording to multiple verified sources in an investigative report by The Topeka Capital-Journal
Rudy GiulianiFmr. Mayor [R-NY]
Openly engaged in an extramarital affair with a married woman twenty years younger than him and even spent a night with her at a posh resort five days before his wife filed for divorceAccording to divorce papers filed by his estranged wife
Tim NolanFmr. State Judge [R-KY]
Coerced seven underage girls in to performing sex acts with him, supplied them with heroin and other opioids and threatened to take the drugs away and report them to the police if they didn't submit to his sexual demands while also being married5/04/18
Coerced 12 young women -- all but two of whom were battling a heroin or opioid addiction and were already tangled up in the criminal justice system -- in to having sex with him by supplying them with heroin and threatened to take the drugs away and call the police on them if they rebuffed his sexual demands while also being marriedHe pleaded guilty to human trafficking and was sentenced to 20 years in prison
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Had a six-month tryst with Playboy Playmate Barbara Moore while his fiancée Marla Maples was pregnant with their daughter TiffanyFirsthand account from Barbara Moore in an interview published by The Daily Mail, Trump supporter
Elliott BroidyFmr. RNC ExecutiveMajor Trump Fundraiser
Had sex with Playboy model Shera Bechard without using a condom despite also allegedly having herpes, during which he began to hurt her physically in ways she did not consent to while also being marriedAccording to an investigative report by The Wall Street Journal -
590kMAGA Enthusiast
Coerced his hairstylist into giving him oral sex -- which she did out of fear of what he would do to her if she refused -- while also being married with young childrenAccording to testimony from the alleged victim before a select investigative committee
David ByrdFmr. State Representative
Inappropriately touched and kissed three underage girls on the high school basketball team he coached while also being married with young childrenAccording to firsthand accounts of the alleged victims first reported by local a TV station
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Had sex with famous adult-film star Stormy Daniels without a condom and had her spank his bare bottom with a Forbes magazine with his face on the cover in his hotel suite after meeting her at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe while his wife Melania was home with their infant sonFirsthand account from Daniels during an exclusive interview on 60 Minutes, Trump secretly paid her $130,000 through his lawyer Michael Cohen to keep quiet about their affair days before the 2016 Presidential election
27.8mMAGA Enthusiast
Had a monthslong affair with Celebrity Apprentice contestant Aubrey O'Day after meeting her on set while his pregnant wife Vanessa was with their two young children at homeAccording to an exclusive report by New York Magazine
Bill DixFmr. State Senator [R-IA]
Passionately kissed a lobbyist while visiting with her at a local bar while also being married with three young childrenHe resigned from office shortly after a video of his infidelity was released
Steve WynnFmr. Wynn Resorts CEODonated 14.4m to Republican causes in 2020
Coerced a massage therapist to perform more than 50 sexual acts on him in his locked office guarded by security dogs and gave her a $400 “tip” each time while also being marriedAccording to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
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