Oregon Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in OR

Scandal Categories

Oregon Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals

  • Mike EricksonMike EricksonFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee
    Ran a stop sign and proceeded to drive erratically until police who observed him "stumble" out of a bar around 1:40am pulled him over, noticed an "overwhelming odor of alcohol" and conducted a field sobriety test which he failed spectacularly and then was found to have oxycodone that had not been prescribed to him and yet he also portrayed himself as a "tough on crime" candidate
    According to court documents reported by local newspapers
    Gave his pregnant girlfriend $300 and dropped her off at a medical clinic known for providing abortions while having previously run as "pro-life" candidate and then later said he had no idea she was going to get an abortion which she flatly denied
    According to an investigative report by The Oregonian

Oregon Republican Executive Branch Scandals

  • Stan PulliamStan PulliamFmr. Gov. Candidate [R-OR]
    Admitted to having group sex with his wife and "other couples" they met on a local online swinger group
    According to an exclusive report by the Willamette Week

Oregon Republican State Legislator Scandals

  • Jeff KruseFmr. State Senator [R-OR]
    Slid his arms down legislative intern Adrianna Martin-Wyatt's breasts and inappropriately touched her in other ways including grabbing her hips, creepily touching her shoulders and standing nose-to-nose when they talked over a yearlong period
    Inappropriately hugged and grabbed legislative intern Anne Montgomery's thighs without consent while also subjecting her to questions about her sex life with her husband and other sexualized discussions over a yearlong period
    According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victims and first reported by The Oregonian
    Grabbed and "cupped" a lobbyist's behind during a photo opportunity
    According to allegations made by the alleged victim and reported by local media
    Approached state Sen. Sara Gelser from behind and according to her "ran both of his hands and arms down my shoulders and across my breasts", "squeezed me in a hug with his hands on my hips" and laid his head on her shoulder which left her "stunned and frozen"
    According to a formal complaint filed by state Sen. Gelser
    Subjected state senator Elizabeth Steiner-Hayward to "unprofessional and inappropriate" touching that included "very close hugs" which made her so uneasy that she refused to be alone with him
    According to a formal complaint filed by state sen. Ms. Steiner-Hayward
  • Brian StoutBrian StoutState Representative
    Began performing oral sex on a woman which went beyond what she had consented to and despite her repeatedly telling him to stop which he only did when his wife walked in the room
    Kissed and cuddled with a woman who wasn't his wife in his office and then out of nowhere pushed her onto the couch and physically restrained her while he quietly stared at her with what she described as a "weird look" which frightened her so much that a judge granted her a restraining order against him for five years
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    Threatened to kill a woman he was romantically involved with by throwing her off a cliff or slitting her throat if she ever told anyone about their relationship
    According to a protective order filed by the alleged victim and granted by a local judge