Louisiana Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in LA

Louisiana Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals
David VitterFmr. U.S. Senator [R-LA]33 Years in GOP
2007 07
Used a notorious DC escort service at least five times as a US Representative while still married to his wife Wendy Vitter and after having spent most of his political career touting the importance of traditional "family values"According to the "DC Madam" who had logged multiple calls from Vitter's phone number and implicitly by the Senator himself who admitted to a "serious sin" after the allegations became public
Forcefully grabbed and pushed back a citizen journalist filming him and other congresspeople giving a press conference outside the US Capitol as the victim yelled "you're hurting me!" while asking Higgins to let him goAccording to a video of the incident reported by The Daily Beast
Vance McAllisterFmr. U.S. Representative
Made out with one of his married congressional aides inside his office while he was married with five kidsAccording to a video of the incident reported by local media
Louisiana Republican State Legislator Scandals
Elbert GuilloryFmr. State Senator [R-LA]
Ran a stop sign and crashed into another vehicle, fled the area after exchanging information with the owner of the vehicle he hit and was later taken into custody after police caught up with him and were told he refused to take any field sobriety testsAccording to the arresting officers who took Guillory into custody
Louisiana Republican City Official Scandals
Mike YenniFmr. Alderman [R-LA]
Sent explicit texts to a 17-year-old boy asking if he and a 19-year-old friend of his would have three-way sex with him and for pictures of him in his underwear -- which may have violated a federal law designed to protect children from online obscenity even if it didn't violate his state's age of consent law -- leading to them eventually meeting in which he kissed him at a mall all while being marriedAccording to an exclusive investigative report by WWL-TV
Elgene GaryCity Council Member [R-LA]
According to charging documents filed by local police