Utah Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in UT

Scandal Categories
Utah Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals
Utah Republican Executive Branch Scandals
Frank MylarFmr. AG Candidate [R-UT]

Offered his competitor for State AG a job at the office if he agreed to drop out of the race and endorse him

According to charging documents filed by local officials
Utah Republican State Legislator Scandals
Brandon BeckhamFmr. State Sen. Candidate

Forcibly pinned his date to the ground and tried to rip her clothing off while ignoring her demand that he let her go and then admitted that he had "gone too far" with her in a subsequent phone call

According to charging documents filed by local officials
Grazed his female attorney's back and moved his hand "noticeably lower" towards her buttocks while seated next to her at his defense table in the courtroom while his alleged sexual assault victim was testifying against him

According to the judge overseeing the case who agreed to let Beckham's own attorneys quit his defense team due to his "own actions" and declared a mistrial
Sheldon KillpackFmr. State Senator [R-UT]

Swerved in and out of his lane, reportedly "performed poorly" on his field sobriety tests and refused to take a breathalyzer after police reported smelling a strong odor of alcohol on his breath

According to an arrest report filed by local police

Got naked with a 15-year-old girl in a hot tub when he was in his late twenties and later paid her $150,000 to keep quiet when he ran for US Congress

According to the woman who went to the media to tell her story and confirmed by Garn
Merrill NelsonFmr. State Representative

Convinced a Mormon bishop to keep allegations of child sexual abuse by a member of his church against his daughters secret under false pretenses that he could be sued if he did even though state law in Arizona -- where the alleged abuse took place -- specifically protects people who report child abuse, which allowed the abuse to continue for a number of years

According to court records reported by mainstream outlets
Jon StanardFmr. State Representative

Hired a prostitute on two separate occasions and took her to a hotel room he used taxpayer dollars to pay for while also being a married father of three who voted for stricter solicitation laws shortly before getting caught

According to an investigative report by the Daily Mail