Republican Salacious Communications Hypocritical Scandals

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Displaying 32 Scandals
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  • Matt GaetzMatt GaetzU.S. Representative [R-FL]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon3.7m
    Asked a young woman who was getting paid by his best friend Joel Greenberg to have sex with other men to join him for a weekend trip to the Florida Keys where he said there would be "2 guys, 4 girls" and insinuated sex would be involved
    According to an exclusive report by ABC News
  • Rene PedrosaRene PedrosaFmr. Spokesperson [R]Top aide to Republican Mayor of Miami
    Texted a 16-year-old boy that he's "dying to sleep with" him and let the boy know he was home alone if he wanted to come by, which the boy declined and reminded him that he was a minor
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Steven CrowderSteven CrowderBlaze Media PodcasterYouTube iconFacebook iconTwitter iconInstagram iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon14.8m
    Texted multiple pictures of his exposed penis and other sexually graphic images to a former employee who described his behavior as "super creepy" and "groomer-ish"
    According to screenshots of the texts shared by the victim with Mediate
  • Ali AlexanderAli AlexanderSocial Media InfluencerTwitter iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon1.1m
    Twitter iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon1.1m  
    Solicited nude pictures from a 15-year-old boy by promising him that he'll share his "entire network" of right-wing friends with the aspiring young activist if he complied
    Asked a 17-year-old boy to send him a picture of his penis by texting "show me ur [eggplant emjoi]" and replying "Omg d*ck" when the boy asked what the emoji meant
    According to an exclusive report by The Daily Beast
  • Fred PiccoloFred PiccoloFmr. Jackie Toledo Campaign Manager
    Texted state rep Jackie Toledo an unsolicited image of his erect penis and a number of other photographs of himself in "various states of undress" without her consent
    According to a lawsuit filed by former state rep Jackie Toledo
  • Luke BowenLuke BowenFmr. Texas Right to Life Executive
    Solicited sex with a 13-year-old girl over the internet and sent her pictures of his erect penis not realizing he was actually communicating with an undercover police officer while also working as the political director for a prominent anti-abortion organization that espouses far-right "family values"
    According to charging documents filed by Assistant District Attorney Kelly Blackburn
  • Scott EskScott EskFmr. State Rep. Candidate [R-OK]
    Allegedly made frequent phone calls to a "house of prostitution" presumably to have sex with the women who worked there while also being a married father of three
    According to accusations made by his estranged wife in her divorce filing
  • John MerrillJohn MerrillFmr. Secretary of State [R-AL]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon17k
    Had a three-year long extramarital affair with a woman and when he denied it, she released a 17-minute recording of the pair talking about all the sexual acts they performed together over the years
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Ed HenryEd HenryFmr. Fox News ReporterTwitter iconInstagram icon352k
    Texted multiple sexually explicit messages to Fox News commentator Cathy Areu and later retaliated against her by drastically reducing her on-air appearances after she rebuffed his advances while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed against Henry and Fox News by Jennifer Eckhart
  • Mike MaroneyState Senator [R-WV]
    Exchanged multiple texts with a female prostitute where he asked how much she charged for sex and what time they could meet at her house and then sent her a picture of himself with the text "now can I stop by" when she asked to see what he looked like
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Val DiGiorgioVal DiGiorgioFmr. Pennsylvania GOP Chair
    Sent a picture of his erect penis and exchanged sexually charged text messages with a woman who initially sought his advice on her potential city council run while also being married and escalated things over the next four months to the point where the woman told him to stop "sexually harassing" her
    According to an exclusive report by The Philadelphia Inquirer
  • Michael SilvestriFmr. State Rep. Candidate [R-NJ]
    Sent an unsolicited picture of his erect penis and other sexually inappropriate pictures to a subordinate
    According to the alleged victim in a report by
  • Charles SchwertnerState Senator [R-TX]
    Sent unsolicited nude pictures of himself in the shower and texted "I just really want to f*ck you" to a graduate student he met at a campus event while also being married with three children
    According to a complaint filed by the alleged victim first reported by The Austin American-Statesmen
  • Steve MontenegroSteve MontenegroState Representative [R-AZ]Facebook iconTwitter icon12k
    Engaged in an online affair with a Republican digital media coordinator and received a topless photograph of her while also being a married pastor who publicly professed to be a "leader of virtue"
    According to an exclusive report by AZ Central
  • Joe BartonJoe BartonFmr. U.S. Representative [R-TX]92.4% Voted with Trump
    Had sex with a woman who wasn't his wife twice -- once in Washington, D.C. and another time in Texas -- and continued to communicate with her over sexualized text messages, videos and voicemails for five more years
    According to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
    Sent pictures of himself masturbating to three women -- two whom he had an extramarital affair with -- and threatened to sic the Capitol Police on one of the women he was involved with if she went public with his naked pictures
    According to a recorded phone call between Barton and one woman he had an affair with exclusively reported by The Washington Post
  • Wes GoodmanWes GoodmanFmr. State Representative [R-OH]
    Sexted and had phone and cybersex with at least one congressional staffer and a number of other men while also being married
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Tony CornishFmr. State Representative [R-MN]
    Propositioned a lobbyist for sex over numerous text messages -- once asking if she'd be scared if he said he was only interested in "good times good wine good food and good sex" -- over a yearslong period
    According to allegations made by the lobbyist reported by local media
    Sent unsolicited sexualized text messages to fellow state rep Erin Maye Quade to playfully complain that he got reprimanded for gawking at her on the house floor over a number of messages she interpreted as a solicitation for a sexual rendezvous
    According to allegations made by the lawmaker reported by local media
  • Eric BollingEric BollingNewsmax HostTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial icon1.9m
    Sent unsolicited nude images of himself to three female Fox News colleagues over a period of several years presumably in an attempt to have an affair with them while also being married the entire time
    According to 14 current and former Fox News sources who spoke to the Huffington Post
  • Matthew ShirkMatthew ShirkFmr. District Attorney [R-FL]
    Discussed showering and having sex with three subordinates in private messages, sent one a private message that said "I think if we had sex there would be very minimal awkwardness afterwards," drank to excess with them in his office and later fired all three after his wife caught him
    According to an exclusive report by The Florida Times-Union
  • Mike YenniMike YenniFmr. Alderman [R-LA]
    Sent explicit texts to a 17-year-old boy asking if he and a 19-year-old friend of his would have three-way sex with him and for pictures of him in his underwear -- which may have violated a federal law designed to protect children from online obscenity even if it didn't violate his state's age of consent law -- leading to them eventually meeting in which he kissed him at a mall all while being married
    According to an exclusive investigative report by WWL-TV
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative [R-TN]
    Had sex with a 20-year-old college student in his government office after drunkenly texting her that he'd like to see her "naked around midnight" and enticing her with a cooler full of beer and later had sex with her in his own home while also being married
    Kissed a legislative assistant on the neck without her consent and sent suggestive text messages asking her for risqué pictures while also being married, which led to her quitting and finding a new job in the private sector to avoid interacting with him
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
    Solicited erotic pictures from three unsuspecting female legislative staff over dozens of sexualized texts and social media messages while also being married
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
  • John DiehlJohn DiehlFmr. House Speaker [R-MO]16 Years in GOP
    Exchanged sexually charged text messages with a college freshman and congressional intern decades younger than him while also being married with three children
    According to an exclusive report by The Kansas City Star
  • Randy BoehningRandy BoehningFmr. State Representative [R-ND]
    Sent nude images of himself to men decades younger than him on a gay dating website around the same time he voted against an anti-discrimination bill that intended to provide additional protections to the LGBTQ community
    According to private messages on a gay dating website provided by a young man he was in communication with
  • Brett FavreBrett FavreConservative Athlete [R]Instagram iconTwitter icon712k
    Sent multiple unsolicited pictures of his penis including one that reportedly showed him masturbating to Jet's reporter Jenn Sterger and often left long voicemails expressing his desire for her in explicit terms even after she turned him down while also being married
    According to an exclusive interview with Jenn Sterger published on
  • Mark FoleyMark FoleyFmr. U.S. Representative [R-FL]34 Years in GOP
    Had sexual relations with two former male pages and sent dozens of inappropriate and sexually suggestive emails and instant messages to underage male pages over a yearslong period while also having voted in favor of numerous pieces of anti-gay legislation throughout his time in Congress
    Asked a 16-year-old male Congressional page to send him photographs of himself and inquired what he could buy him for his birthday over a series of five emails that the page said "really freaked" him out and made him feel "sick"
    According to voluminous reports filed by mainstream media outlets