Republican Sexual Harassment Scandals List

Scandal Categories
Displaying 89 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Concerned Veterans for AmericaConcerned Veterans for America  
    Cultivated such a toxic work culture for female employees that at least one woman was too scared to report a male colleague for sexual harassment because she "desperately" needed her job and because "fear of reprisal looms over every woman associated" with the organization
    According to an exclusive report by The New Yorker
  • Pete HegsethPete HegsethTrump Defense Sec. NomineeTwitter iconInstagram icon1.1m
    Twitter iconInstagram icon1.1m  
    Sexually pursued multiple female subordinates that he thought were "party girls" and differentiated them from the women he called "not party girls" who he presumably thought wouldn't be interested in having a sexual relationship while also being married with a young child at the time
    According to an exclusive report by The New Yorker
  • Chris KnowlesChris KnowlesNewsmax Media ExecutiveTwitter icon4k
    Twitter icon4k  
    Preyed on female subordinates at Newsmax in the office and at social gatherings where he was often seen getting inappropriately "close and physical" with them of which several complaints were filed with human resources but mostly ignored due to their toxic culture
    According to four Newsmax staffers in an exclusive interview with Mediaite
  • Steven CrowderSteven CrowderBlaze Media PodcasterYouTube iconFacebook iconTwitter iconInstagram iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon14.8m
    Texted multiple pictures of his exposed penis and other sexually graphic images to a former employee who described his behavior as "super creepy" and "groomer-ish"
    According to screenshots of the texts shared by the victim with Mediate
  • Fabián BasabeFabián BasabeState RepresentativeInstagram iconTwitter icon92k
    Routinely talked about homosexual sex with two male staffers, pushed for one of them to "explore his sexuality by having sex with men" and showed both a picture of a naked man he had saved on his phone
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victims
  • Rudy GiulianiRudy GiulianiFmr. Mayor [R-NY]Twitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon4.2m
    Twitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon4.2m  
    Demanded his staffer Noelle Dunphy to work "naked, in a bikini, or in short shorts with an American flag on them" that he purchased for her to wear when she was in the office and also when she worked from home remotely
    Demanded his staffer Noelle Dunphy undress for him during almost all of their videoconferences during which he often pleasured himself under a bed sheet
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by former employee Noelle Dunphy reported on by mainstream outlets
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Objectified an aide to press secretary Stephanie Grisham by having her sent to his office aboard Air Force One so that he and other men could "look at her ass," which concerned Grisham to the point that she made sure the staffer was never alone with Trump again because she was "really nervous about what could happen"
    Firsthand account from Grisham in a book published by premier company HarperCollins
  • Steven CrowderSteven CrowderBlaze Media PodcasterYouTube iconFacebook iconTwitter iconInstagram iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon14.8m
    Exposed his penis to a male staff member seemingly out of the blue while they were filming a video in a screening room
    According to ten former employees who spoke exclusively with The New York Post
  • Scotty CampbellScotty CampbellFmr. State Representative
    Told a college-aged legislative intern that he fantasized about her and a female friend "performing sexual acts" on each other and habitually sexually harassed her so badly that thousands of taxpayer dollars were used to help relocate her as she lived in the apartment building as him
    According to a report by the bipartisan state House Ethics Subcommittee
  • Fabián BasabeFabián BasabeState RepresentativeInstagram iconTwitter icon92k
    Slapped his legislative aide across the face and instructed him to go stand in a corner after he drunkenly interrupted a conversation to ask his aide if he had recently "slept with" the woman he was talking with
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • 11/10/22
    Asked an NFL cheerleader to have sex with one of his friends during a party and when she immediately reported him to two of her superiors, she was told to just brush it off and avoid him for the rest of the party
    Bullied and questioned male subordinates' heterosexuality when they didn't agree with his preconceived perception of what it means to be a man
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Fred PiccoloFred PiccoloFmr. Jackie Toledo Campaign Mgr.
    Texted state rep Jackie Toledo an unsolicited image of his erect penis and a number of other photographs of himself in "various states of undress" without her consent
    According to a lawsuit filed by former state rep Jackie Toledo
  • Charlie PierceCharlie PierceFmr. Mayor [R-AK]19 Years in GOP
    Sexually harassed his executive assistant with “constant unwanted physical touching, sexual remarks, and sexual advances” and created such a toxic work environment that she felt she couldn't report his alleged misconduct without fear of retaliation
    According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim and first reported on by The Anchorage Daily News
  • Diego MoralesDiego MoralesSecretary of State [R-IN]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon8k
    Repeatedly solicited sexual favors from a young woman who worked in the state secretary of state's office
    According to the alleged victim who spoke with
  • Larry KlaymanLarry KlaymanJudicial Watch FounderFacebook iconTwitter iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon10.4m
    Facebook iconTwitter iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon10.4m  
    Tried to convince a client of his to begin a sexual relationship in an "obsessive and unrelenting" manner and retaliated against her by demanding ever-increasing attorney's fees when she rebuffed his advances
    According to a ruling by a federal appeals court that suspended his law license for 18 months
  • Billy OswaldBilly OswaldFmr. State Sen. Candidate
    Offered numerous female employees up to a $15k raise if they agreed to have sex with him whenever he wanted
    According to a federal lawsuit filed by a former employee
  • Gary BuseyGary BuseyConservative ActorFacebook iconTikTok iconInstagram iconTwitter icon1.2m
    Facebook iconTikTok iconInstagram iconTwitter icon1.2m  
    Put his face inches away from a woman's breasts and asked where she got them from before trying to unhook her bra strap during a meet and greet at a horror film convention
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Asked press secretary Stephanie Grisham's then-boyfriend how she performed in bed
    Firsthand account from Grisham in a book published by premier company HarperCollins, Corroborated by her then-boyfriend who was also a Trump aide
  • Bill O'ReillyBill O'ReillyFmr. Fox News HostTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube iconInstagram iconRumble icon6.5m
    Routinely accosted Fox News producer Andrea Mackris with graphic sexual conversations he initiated during all hours of the night and during work functions, unsuccessfully solicited her and a friend of hers to have group sex and tried to persuade her to have phone sex with him all after totally ignoring her repeated demands that he stop and later paid her $9 million to resolve a sexual harassment lawsuit she brought against him all while being married
    According to a settlement agreement reached between O'Reilly and his accuser
  • Aaron von EhlingerAaron von EhlingerFmr. State Representative
    Solicited dates from and overly flirted with numerous female subordinates working at the state legislature even after he was chided on two separate occasions for making the women uncomfortable and warned to keep his interactions with them professional
    According to an investigation conducted by the state house Ethics Committee
  • Ronny JacksonRonny JacksonU.S. Representative [R-TX]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon67k
    Told a female White House medical staff subordinate he'd like to see her tattoos unobstructed of clothing and commented to a male subordinate that she had "great t*ts" and a "nice ass"
    According to a Defense Department Inspector General review reported on by CNN
  • Madison CawthornMadison CawthornFmr. U.S. RepresentativeInstagram iconTwitter iconFacebook iconTruthSocial iconGab icon1.4m
    Drove multiple women out into remote rural areas while in college and if they turned down his advances, he would drive back to campus recklessly at very high speeds because as one woman described it "he was upset that I had turned him down or refused his advances"
    According to firsthand accounts of several alleged victims shared The Washington Post
  • Bill BroughBill BroughFmr. State RepresentativeWorked in George W Bush's Administration
    Incessantly subjected a legislative staffer to "extremely offensive and non-consensual physical contact" and peppered her with "repeated and unwanted advances" over a yearslong period while also being married
    Told a female legislative staffer that he's been "watching" her for a long time and said he could help her politically if she went to his home presumably to have sex, which she declined while also being married
    According to a report by local ABC affiliate Eyewitness News
    2020 12
    Inappropriately touched and unsuccessfully propositioned three female congressional staff members over a decade-long period while also being married with two children
    According to an investigative report by The Orange County Register
  • Ed HenryEd HenryFmr. Fox News ReporterTwitter iconInstagram icon352k
    Repeatedly attempted to have sex with media relations professional Brooke Hammerling in such a persistent manner that she likened it to "swatting him away like a fly" while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed against Henry and Fox News by Jennifer Eckhart
    Texted multiple sexually explicit messages to Fox News commentator Cathy Areu and later retaliated against her by drastically reducing her on-air appearances after she rebuffed his advances while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed against Henry and Fox News by Jennifer Eckhart
  • Kimberly GuilfoyleKimberly GuilfoyleFmr. Trump PAC Finance ChairTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook iconRumble iconTruthSocial icon4.3m
    Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook iconRumble iconTruthSocial icon4.3m  
    Sexually harassed an assistant of hers so incessantly that she eventually filed a 42-page complaint against Fox News which resulted in them paying her a secret multimillion-dollar settlement
    According to an exclusive report by The New Yorker
  • Curtis HillCurtis HillFmr. Att. General [R-IN]
    Drunkenly walked up and grabbed a legislative assistant's buttocks and told her and the group of women she was standing with that they'll "have to show a little skin!" if they wanted free drinks, creepily rubbed another legislative assistant's back for over two minutes and inappropriately touched a state lawmaker and another legislative assistant all at the same party which resulted in the state Supreme Court reprimanding him for committing the "criminal act of battery" and suspending him for 30 days
    According to a final ruling by the Indiana Supreme Court
  • Val DiGiorgioVal DiGiorgioFmr. Pennsylvania GOP Chair
    Sent a picture of his erect penis and exchanged sexually charged text messages with a woman who initially sought his advice on her potential city council run while also being married and escalated things over the next four months to the point where the woman told him to stop "sexually harassing" her
    According to an exclusive report by The Philadelphia Inquirer
  • Michael SilvestriFmr. State Rep. Candidate
    Sent an unsolicited picture of his erect penis and other sexually inappropriate pictures to a subordinate
    According to the alleged victim in a report by
  • Charles SchwertnerState Senator [R-TX]
    Sent unsolicited nude pictures of himself in the shower and texted "I just really want to f*ck you" to a graduate student he met at a campus event while also being married with three children
    According to a complaint filed by the alleged victim first reported by The Austin American-Statesmen
  • Garrett VentryFmr. Senate Republicans Spokesperson
    Was quickly fired for sexually harassing a female employee working for the Republican General Assembly in North Carolina after she filed an official complaint against him
    According to an exclusive report by NBC News
  • Nick SauerFmr. State Representative
    Shared nude images of his ex-girlfriend to eight men using a fake Instagram account under her name so that he could creepily "catfish" them by pretending to be her and sharing intimate details of her life
    According to a report by Politico
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Tried and failed to have sex with Miss Universe winner Alicia Machado while he owned the pageant company and made disrespectful comments about her and her weight including calling her "Miss Piggy" at the same time he was married to wife Marla
    Firsthand account from Miss Universe Alicia Machado in an interview published by Telemundo
  • Steve WynnSteve WynnFmr. Wynn Resorts CEODonated 14.4m to Republican causes in 2020
    Fired a worker at the Golden Nugget casino back in 1976 after she ended a sexual relationship with him while also being married
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Made inappropriate advances towards his wife's personal assistant in the late 90s including asking her what she was wearing of which she "made sure I was never alone with him" while also being married
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Rubbed his exposed genitals in front of a female employee and another time also asked her, "when are you going to come into my office and f*ck me?" while also being married
    According to a report by the Daily Mail
    Sexually harassed and abused multiple unnamed employees to such extreme levels that some would schedule fake spa treatments to avoid appointments with him or even hide in bathrooms whenever he entered
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Walked around his casino spa in revealing shorts without underwear in a way that workers noted his genitals were easily visible
    According to a report by the Daily Mail
  • Jeff KruseFmr. State Senator [R-OR]
    Inappropriately hugged and grabbed legislative intern Anne Montgomery's thighs without consent while also subjecting her to questions about her sex life with her husband and other sexualized discussions over a yearlong period
    Slid his arms down legislative intern Adrianna Martin-Wyatt's breasts and inappropriately touched her in other ways including grabbing her hips, creepily touching her shoulders and standing nose-to-nose when they talked over a yearlong period
    According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victims and first reported by The Oregonian
  • Ed CraneFmr. Cato Institute Founder
    Asked a subordinate to go to the bathroom and take her bra off while they were having lunch at a restaurant
    Told a female subordinate her breasts looked similar to those of a naked woman whose pornographic pictures he had saved on his work computer and said he'd like to see how her breasts compared to those on his screen
    Forwarded an inappropriate email to a 23-year-old subordinate about breast enhancement surgery in which he said she didn't need it
    According to a report by Politico
  • Jeff KruseFmr. State Senator [R-OR]
    Grabbed and "cupped" a lobbyist's behind during a photo opportunity
    According to allegations made by the alleged victim and reported by local media
  • Steve WynnSteve WynnFmr. Wynn Resorts CEODonated 14.4m to Republican causes in 2020
    Allegedly cornered a subordinate against a wall, grabbed her waist and attempted to forcibly kiss her, but she was able to push him away and escape while also being married
    According to an exclusive report by The wall Street Journal
  • Pat MeehanPat MeehanFmr. U.S. Representative46 Years in GOP
    Propositioned an aide who was decades younger than him to become romantically involved and then made her life in the office so miserable after she rebuffed his advances that she quit and sued him for sexual harassment, which resulted in him secretly spending thousands of taxpayer dollars to settle while also being married
    Confirmed by a total of 7 office employees and acquaintances in an exclusive report by The New York Times
  • James RosenJames RosenFox News D.C. CorrespondentTwitter icon259k
    Twitter icon259k  
    Sexually harassed a female producer and then secretly worked with Fox News to privately settle her complaint with a deal that allowed her to extend her stay in the U.S. since she wasn't an American citizen
    According to interviews with former colleagues at Fox News and reported by NPR
  • Roger AilesRoger AilesFmr. Fox News CEO
    Solicited Fox News contributor Julie Roginsky for sex during private meetings while also being married and then retaliated against her after she rebuffed his advances by denying her a promotion to host her own show and drastically reduced her on-air appearances which resulted in him and Fox News secretly paying her an undisclosed amount of money to settle a lawsuit she filed against him
    Ailes and Fox News secretly paid her to keep quiet
  • Trent FranksFmr. U.S. Representative
    Pressured a female aide to take $5 million to carry his child as a surrogate mother and strongly implied he wanted to impregnate her through intercourse since he was against invitro fertilization
    According to a firsthand account from former aide and reported on by the Associated Press
  • Blake FarentholdBlake FarentholdFmr. U.S. RepresentativeTea Party Enthusiast
    Openly talked with a male aide about "sexual fantasies" and "wet dreams" he had about his female communications director Lauren Greene and fired her after shortly after she filed a formal complaint and then secretly paid her $84,000 in taxpayer funds from a secretive "Office of Compliance" account after she agreed to drop a federal lawsuit she filed against him
    According to an exclusive report by Politico
  • Randy BaumgardnerRandy BaumgardnerFmr. State Senator [R-CO]
    Slapped and grabbed a legislative aide's buttocks four separate times in a three-month period during work inside the state Capitol building while also being married
    According to a formal complaint filed by the alleged victim first reported by public radio station KUNC
    Urged a legislative intern to drink alcohol with him in his office which she smartly declined as he was married and because of inappropriate comments she overheard him make days earlier about the first time he met her in which he "complained" about having to go home alone to bed and gave out an exaggerated sigh which creepily signaled that he wanted to sleep with her
    According to the former intern in an exclusive interview with a local NPR affiliate
  • Jeff KruseFmr. State Senator [R-OR]
    Approached state Sen. Sara Gelser from behind and according to her "ran both of his hands and arms down my shoulders and across my breasts", "squeezed me in a hug with his hands on my hips" and laid his head on her shoulder which left her "stunned and frozen"
    According to a formal complaint filed by state Sen. Gelser
  • Tony CornishFmr. State Representative
    Told a lobbyist to "look down" at his crotch because "I have a giant erection" which she later said he clearly did following a meeting in his office
    Propositioned a lobbyist for sex over numerous text messages -- once asking if she'd be scared if he said he was only interested in "good times good wine good food and good sex" -- over a yearslong period
    According to allegations made by the lobbyist reported by local media
    Sent unsolicited sexualized text messages to fellow state rep Erin Maye Quade to playfully complain that he got reprimanded for gawking at her on the house floor over a number of messages she interpreted as a solicitation for a sexual rendezvous
    According to allegations made by the lawmaker reported by local media
  • Jack LatvalaJack LatvalaFmr. State Senator [R-FL]
    Routinely grabbed five female senate staff and lobbyists buttocks, breasts and other parts of their bodies and threatened to retaliate against them by refusing to take meetings with them if they complained about his behavior while also being married
    Serially commented on female lobbyists breasts, buttocks and bodies and encroached on their personal space inside elevators and other confined spaces
    According to an investigative report by Politico
  • Eric BollingEric BollingNewsmax HostTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial icon1.9m
    Sent unsolicited nude images of himself to three female Fox News colleagues over a period of several years presumably in an attempt to have an affair with them while also being married the entire time
    According to 14 current and former Fox News sources who spoke to the Huffington Post
    Persistently called and texted a frequent Fox News guest he referred to as "Dr. McHottie" on live TV in an unsuccessful attempt to get her to fly out to New York and have "fun" with him, frequently asked her to have private meals with him and once told her that his office -- made up of wall to ceiling glass -- was his favorite place to have sex while also being married
    According to a personal statement by the alleged victim first reported by the Huffington Post
  • Iowa Senate RepublicansIowa Senate Republicans  
    Were ordered to pay $2.2 million to a sexual harassment victim who was fired a mere seven hours after she filed a memo that accused the group of turning a blind eye to a "boys club" culture in the statehouse
    According to a jury verdict reached in a sexual harassment suit filed against them
  • Shawn HamerlinckFmr. State Senator [R-IA]
    Often talked about female lobbyists' breast sizes -- even asking one staffer about the size of her areolas -- and how long female pages skirt lengths were right in front of them
    According to corroborated witnesses and reported by mainstream media
  • Jim FriedrichFmr. Political Analyst
    Would inquire about female subordinates sex lives and labele them "prudes" if they didn't play along and often said the word "c*nt" when discussing anything that has to do with a woman he disliked
    According to corroborated witnesses and reported by mainstream media
  • Russ CaseyRuss CaseyFmr. Justice of the Peace
    Exposed his penis to a subordinate cornered in her locked office and slammed the door back shut when she tried to flee and then threatened that she better think twice before reporting him because he's the only person standing between her and the unemployment line
    According to a federal civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Jeff KruseFmr. State Senator [R-OR]
    Subjected state senator Elizabeth Steiner-Hayward to "unprofessional and inappropriate" touching that included "very close hugs" which made her so uneasy that she refused to be alone with him
    According to a formal complaint filed by state sen. Ms. Steiner-Hayward
  • Bill O'ReillyBill O'ReillyFmr. Fox News HostTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube iconInstagram iconRumble icon6.5m
    Sexually harassed Fox Business host Rebecca Diamond in such a manner that she decided to record him to have proof of his behavior which led to him and Fox News secretly paying her an undisclosed amount in order to keep her from going public with her recordings
    Caught on tape, O'Reilly and Fox News secretly paid her to keep quiet
  • Jack TateFmr. State Senator [R-CO]
    Routinely made "sexual innuendoes" about an 18-year-old legislative intern's clothing including commenting on how a skirt "fit quite well" as he looked her up and down and often grabbed her shoulder where he would "wait a moment before letting go" when she tried to pull away from him
    According to a formal complaint filed by the alleged victim
  • Bill O'ReillyBill O'ReillyFmr. Fox News HostTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube iconInstagram iconRumble icon6.5m
    Incessantly tried and failed to convince Fox News host Juliet Huddy to have a sexual relationship with him over repeated phone calls during which she reported it sometimes sounded like he was masturbating and in person (he once answered the door to his hotel room in his boxer shorts after he asked her to return a room key he supposedly needed) and then had Fox News secretly pay her a high six-figure nondisclosure agreement to keep her from going public with her accusations
    Fox News secretly settled Huddy's lawsuit
  • Dan KirbyDan KirbyFmr. State Representative
    Routinely pestered his legal assistant -- who was thirty years younger than him -- to text topless photos of herself and go with him to a local strip club which she did presumably because she was afraid of losing her job and then fired her after she reported his harassment
    According to reports by local and state media
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Solicited adult magazine model Brande Roderick for sex and constantly used vulgar and salacious terms to describe his feelings for her during her stint on Celebrity Apprentice while he was married to Melania
    Corroborated by tree former Apprentice employees
    Asked one female "Apprentice" contestant what breast size she had and whether they were natural or augmented and asked other female contestants to wear shorter dresses that showed more of their cleavage on the show
    Firsthand account from former "Apprentice" contestant Gene Folkes
    Directed 24-year-old female "Apprentice" contestant Poppy Carlig to twirl in front of him so he could gawk at her body
    Confirmed by Carlig and several cast membets
    Routinely demeaned female "Apprentice" contestants by "rating" them on the size of their breasts and saying which ones he wanted to have sex with
    Firsthand accounts by producer Katherine Welker, 2004 Apprentice contestant Kristi Frank whose breasts were objectified by Trump, 2005 Apprentice winner Randal Pinkett, 2010 Apprentice contestant Gene Folkes & 22 former Apprentice contestants and crew members
    Incessantly made inappropriate and lewd comments about an "Apprentice" camerawoman's buttocks and body and often stopped production to look at the camera she was operating over a period of more than 2 years
    Firsthand accounts by producer Katherine Welker, Former "Apprentice" employees German Abarca, Rebecca Arndt & six former crew members, Corroborated by two crew members who said the victim told them how uncomfortable Trump's comments made her
    Openly discussed which female "Apprentice" contestants he’d like to have sex with -- sometimes with the woman present -- while also goading male contestants into participate by asking them questions like "you’d f*ck her, wouldn’t you? I’d f*ck her"
    Firsthand accounts by producer Katherine Welker, 2004 Apprentice contestant Kristi Frank whose breasts were objectified by Trump, 2005 Apprentice winner Randal Pinkett, 2010 Apprentice contestant Gene Folkes & 22 former Apprentice contestants and crew members
  • Roger AilesRoger AilesFmr. Fox News CEO
    Told Rudi Bakhtiar to stand up in front of him so he could look at her legs during her job interview and then laughed and told her to sit down after she asked him if that was "part of the job requirement"
    According to an exclusive report by New York Magazine
  • Brian WilsonFmr. Fox News Reporter
    Made a series of unwanted sexual advances towards newly hired correspondent and subordinate Rudi Bakhtiar and asked her to be "friends with benefits" with him even after she rebuffed his sexual advances and then reassigned her off his team when he was promoted
    According to an exclusive report by New York Magazine
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative
    Solicited erotic pictures from three unsuspecting female legislative staff over dozens of sexualized texts and social media messages while also being married
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
    Made "quite a display" of putting his hand in his pocket to accentuate his penis as he offered an unwrapped breath mint to a female lobbyist who merely asked for a piece of candy from a jar on his desk which led her to give him the nickname "Pants Candy"
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
    Sexually harassed 22 female legislative staff, interns, lobbyists and others over a three-year period which led to the Tennessee House overwhelmingly voting to remove him from office
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
  • Roger AilesRoger AilesFmr. Fox News CEO
    Solicited anchor Gretchen Carlson for sexual favors while also being married and then punished her professionally after she refused his advances in a manner so egregious that Fox News settled a lawsuit she filed for $20 million dollars
    According to the details of a civil settlement and public apology Fox News gave Ms. Carlson
  • Donald SterlingDonald SterlingConservative Businessman
    Coerced an assistant who was decades younger than him into having sex over a yearslong period by threatening to withhold her paycheck if she ever refused his advances, subjected her to a "steady stream of racially and sexually offensive comments" and fired her when she eventually stood up to him while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • John McGeeJohn McGeeFmr. State Senator [R-ID]
    Locked a female staffer in his office and unsuccessfully tried to get her to have sex with him while also being married with two children
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Brett FavreBrett FavreConservative Athlete [R]Instagram iconTwitter icon712k
    Instagram iconTwitter icon712k  
    Sent multiple unsolicited pictures of his penis including one that reportedly showed him masturbating to Jet's reporter Jenn Sterger and often left long voicemails expressing his desire for her in explicit terms even after she turned him down while also being married
    According to an exclusive interview with Jenn Sterger published on
  • Samuel KentSamuel KentFmr. George H W Bush Federal Judge
    Grabbed his personal secretary Donna Wilkerson's head and forced it down towards his groin, forcibly kissed her on the mouth after pinning her against his office door and subjected her to a myriad of other physical and emotional abuse over a seven-year period while also being married the entire time
    According to court records reported by the media