Colorado Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in CO

Scandal Categories

Colorado Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals

  • Lauren BoebertLauren BoebertU.S. Representative [R-CO]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook iconYouTube icon4.1m
    Drank so much alcohol at a political dinner and gala that servers cut her off and told her she couldn't have any more because she was noticeably drunk
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Publicly fondled her date inside a large theater, vaped smokeless tobacco at her seat, loudly sang along to songs that weren't meant to be sung along to and taunted an usher who properly escorted her and her date out of the theater
    According to video of the incident report by mainstream outlets
    Got pregnant and gave birth to a boy during her senior year of high school
    According to reports by mainstream media outlets
    Scratched her boyfriend's face and chest and vandalized the inside of his home during a drunken argument that happened when she wasn't old enough to legally drink alcohol
    According to an exclusive report by The New York Post
    Cursed and yelled at police officers who were in the process of arresting minors they caught drinking alcohol and urged the teens to run away which police reported caused the teens to become "unruly" while also portraying herself as a "law and order" politician who supports the police
    According to arrest records first reported by Colorado News Online

Colorado Republican State Legislator Scandals

  • Randy BaumgardnerRandy BaumgardnerFmr. State Senator [R-CO]
    Slapped and grabbed a legislative aide's buttocks four separate times in a three-month period during work inside the state Capitol building while also being married
    According to a formal complaint filed by the alleged victim first reported by public radio station KUNC
    Urged a legislative intern to drink alcohol with him in his office which she smartly declined as he was married and because of inappropriate comments she overheard him make days earlier about the first time he met her in which he "complained" about having to go home alone to bed and gave out an exaggerated sigh which creepily signaled that he wanted to sleep with her
    According to the former intern in an exclusive interview with a local NPR affiliate
  • Jack TateFmr. State Senator [R-CO]
    Routinely made "sexual innuendoes" about an 18-year-old legislative intern's clothing including commenting on how a skirt "fit quite well" as he looked her up and down and often grabbed her shoulder where he would "wait a moment before letting go" when she tried to pull away from him
    According to a formal complaint filed by the alleged victim
  • Mike LynchMike LynchState Representative
    Recklessly drove 90mph on an interstate highway while under the influence of alcohol with a BAC nearly twice the legal limit and was found to be in possession of a firearm in violation of state law after police pulled him over
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Don WilsonDon WilsonState Representative
    Left his loaded semiautomatic 9mm handgun behind in a public restroom of the state capitol which sat unattended for nearly 30 minutes before a janitor found it and alerted state troopers
    According to a report by USA Today

Colorado Republican Finance Official Scandals

  • Tina PetersTina PetersCounty Clerk [R-CO]TruthSocial icon5k
    Allowed an unauthorized individual to make copies of voting machine hard drives and attend a voting machine software update intended only for credentialed election officials
    According to charging documents filed by the Colorado Attorney General
    Illegally taped a court proceeding for her former chief deputy while seated in the gallery and then lied to the presiding judge when he confronted her
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
    Refused repeated police commands to hand over an iPad they had a search warrant for and then "actively" resisted the officers as they placed her in handcuffs
    According to an arrest report filed by local police

Colorado Republican Mayor Scandals

  • Bob GreenleeBob GreenleeFmr. Mayor [R-CO]
    Crashed head-on into a 70-year-old woman's car at 89 MPH resulting in her instant death and struck another car causing it to roll onto its side after dangerously attempting to pass the car in front of him on a two-lane highway
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Reford TheboldMayor [R-CO]
    Stole candy bars and a map from sporting goods store Cabella's
    He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 8 hours of community service and ordered to attend a shoplifting counseling class