Republican Financial Crimes Scandals List

Scandal Categories
Displaying 1 - 100 of 163 Crimes
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Jason EllsworthJason EllsworthFmr. State Senator [R-MT]
    Rushed to give his close friend and former business associate $170k in taxpayer dollars for contract work by skipping the public bidding process that is required by state law
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Patricia LambPatricia LambFmr. Election Official
    Stole $15,940 from taxpayers by charging thousands in personal expenses on her government credit card and falsifying records to get paid for work she didn't do
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Carolina AmestyCarolina AmestyFmr. State Representative
    Illegally obtained $122,000 in COVID relief funds for two of her businesses by falsifying documents about their total revenues, number of employees and whether the businesses were legally incorporated to begin with
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Chuck JonesChuck JonesFmr. Conservative Businesss Person
    Conspired with his senior VP to bribe aspiring House Speaker nearly $60 million to help elect Republicans who then went on to give the struggling energy company a $1.3 billion taxpayer-funded bailout after they were elected
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Michael DowlingMichael DowlingFmr. Conservative Businesss Person
    Conspired with company CEO Chuck Jones to bribe aspiring House Speaker Larry Householder $60 million to help elect Republicans who then went on to give the struggling energy company a $1.3 billion taxpayer-funded bailout after they were elected
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Nate PaulNate PaulConservative Businessman
    Fraudulently inflated his assets by tens of millions of dollars and grossly underreported his liabilities by millions more to financial institutions on multiple loan applications which led to him being approved for loans totaling $172 million that otherwise wouldn't have been approved and then lied to authorities when they confronted him
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Sal BonaccorsoSal BonaccorsoFmr. Mayor [R-NJ]
    Illegally operated his private business out of the mayor's office where he utilized public resources and personnel to improperly obtain government permits that enriched him personally and then encouraged at least one witness to lie to investigators if they were questioned
    According to charging documents filed by state officials
  • Christopher MorrisChristopher MorrisFmr. Sheriff [R-OK]
    Used government funds to purchase a UTV for the sheriff's department that he had previously owned and falsely claimed the vehicle was new so he could evade rules that were in place to deter exactly what he did
    According to charging documents filed by state officials
  • David RiveraDavid RiveraFmr. U.S. Representative
    Illegally received $5.5 million lobbying for a Venezuelan businessman who wanted to be removed from ICE's "Most Wanted" list and then formed fake shell companies using the names of a law firm and a government official without their knowledge which he used to create false invoices and conceal his money from tax authorities
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Steve DeweeseSteve DeweeseFmr. County Commissioner
    Pocketed $4k in ad revenue from a calendar for the Sheriff's department that he deposited into his personal account instead of the department's
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Patrick BaileyPatrick BaileyCounty GOP Treasurer
    Stole $14,400 from the county GOP bank account he oversaw by depositing checks from the organization into his personal bank account
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Joe MastroianniJoe MastroianniState Rep. Nominee [R-NY]Facebook icon4k
    Facebook icon4k  
    Trespassed on a constituent's front porch and stole a campaign mailer sent by his political opponent and was caught laughing about his actions on the victim's doorbell camera
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Andy SanbornAndy SanbornFmr. State Senator [R-NH]
    Fraudulently spent $188,474 in COVID relief funds on three luxury sports cars and other expenses after he lied about his company's earnings by nearly 1M in order to increase his chances of getting more grant money
    According to charging documents filed by state officials
  • Jamey NoelJamey NoelFmr. Sheriff [R-IN]
    Fraudulently charged over $5 million on personal expenses including more than 130 luxury and classic cars which he then sold and pocketed the proceeds from, $60k worth of airline tickets for a woman he was having an extramarital affair with and other family members including his wife, vacations, designer clothes and a multitude of other expenses using fire department credit cards funded and paid for by the public
    According to charging documents filed by state officials
  • Michele FioreMichele FioreJustice of the PeaceFacebook icon12k
    Facebook icon12k  
    Stole over $70,000 worth of donations she raised for the statue of a Las Vegas police officer shot and killed in the line of duty and spent it on personal items including plastic surgery and her daughter's wedding
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Nicole TorresNicole TorresNYC Board of Elections Leader
    Illegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong period
    Illegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong period
    Illegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong period
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Dean TranDean TranFmr. State Senator [R-MA]
    Fraudulently received $30,120 in COVID unemployment benefits while he was still employed and concealed $54,700 in consulting fees he earned and "thousands of dollars in income" from the IRS when he filed his 2021 federal income taxes
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Nicole TorresNicole TorresNYC Board of Elections Leader
    Illegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong period
    Illegally pocketed at least $28,000 from hundreds of people who paid her roughly $150 each for her to select them as poll workers over a multiyear period
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Craig CaldwellCraig CaldwellFmr. Lexington County GOP Chair
    Stole $52,300 from a local Rotary Club Foundation over a series of 11 checks written to himself from the foundation's account while he was their treasurer
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
    Illegally transferred $61,591 from a local GOP chapter's bank account to his personal accounts over 147 wire transfers in a five-year period and covered it up by falsifying reports he submitted to the local chapter
    According to charging document filed by local officials
  • Frank MylarFrank MylarFmr. AG Candidate [R-UT]
    Offered his competitor for State AG a job at the office if he agreed to drop out of the race and endorse him
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Christopher MorrisChristopher MorrisFmr. Sheriff [R-OK]
    Received free services from an auto shop in exchange for sending county vehicles to the shop when they needed work done on them
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Illegally claimed $168 million in business losses on his Chicago property by using dubious accounting tactics to write off his massive losses on the project on both his 2008 and then again on his 2010 tax returns
    According to an exclusive joint report by The New York Times and Pro Publica
  • Lee ChatfieldLee ChatfieldFmr. House Speaker [R-MI]A+ NRA Rating
    Stole over $132,000 from multiple political accounts to pay for vacations with his family, housing costs and personal credit card statements by siphoning money from a loosely regulated political account that prosecutors alleged he used as his own "unregulated slush fund" into his own pocket
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • John NovelloJohn NovelloFmr. County Commissioner
    Stole over $59k from a local Republican committee and spent it on personal expenses including mortgage payments, wine trips, luxury candies and everyday expenses like groceries
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Keri BlairKeri BlairFmr. School Board Member
    Stole a total of $728.61 worth of items from a local Target during seven visits over a 26-day period by not scanning some of the more expensive items in her cart at the self-checkout line
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Barry BennettBarry BennettLobbyist [R]
    Masterminded a scheme to illegally conceal $2.1 million he earned in a three-month period for lobbying services he provided for the government of Qatar by creating an LLC with his coconspirator to hide the money from federal officials
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Doug WattsDoug WattsPolitical Operative [R]
    Helped his coconspirator illegally conceal $2.1 million they earned lobbying for the government of Qatar by creating an LLC with to hide the money from tax authorities and then lied to federal officials twice after they confronted him
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Mike GarciaMike GarciaU.S. Representative [R-CA]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon33k
    Secretly sold up to $50,000 of Boeing shares mere days before a House committee he was on released a highly critical report about the company and then failed to disclose the sale for more than two months and only reported it after he won reelection in a race he won by a mere 333 votes
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Bought luxury clothing, erotic adult content online, luxury skin care products, meals and paid off personal debts with more than $50,000 in campaign contributions he told donors would be used to support his bid for Congress
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Michael CroninMichael CroninChief Counsel CT Sen. GOP
    Forged his ex-wife’s name on multiple home refinancing documents and a deed and also forged his colleague's signature on a financial statement he submitted to a court overseeing his divorce proceedings in an act so egregious the judge sentencing him called his actions "malfeasance that almost defies description"
    Stole $267,80 from a political Super PAC whose finances he oversaw as its Treasurer
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Joe HardingJoe HardingState RepresentativeTwitter icon3k
    Twitter icon3k  
    Illegally obtained over $45,000 in Small Business Covid-Relief Funds out of $150,000 he applied for by claiming that dormant companies he owned with no employees actually had 6 employees and revenue of $800k and then lied to federal agents when they questioned him about it
    According to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
  • Omar NavarroOmar NavarroFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee
    Funneled at least $107,885 worth of campaign contributions into his personal accounts which he used to fund trips to Las Vegas, Napa Valley and other locations by creating a sham charity called the “United Latino Foundation” and enlisting his mother and close friend to help him transfer the money
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Defrauded banks in New York by vastly overinflating the value of his assets by as much as $3.6 billion dollars in order to obtain more favorable loan terms in a scheme a judge overseeing his case described as "persistent and repeated fraud" and was ordered to pay a $355 million fine and prohibited from conducting business in New York state for three years
    According to a final ruling issued by the judge overseeing the case
  • Paul KennedyPaul KennedyFmr. Mayor [R-NJ]
    Stole $9,657 in proceeds from an online auction of old government-owned vehicles
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Steve BuyerSteve BuyerFmr. U.S. Representative33 Years in GOP
    Illegally made more than $126,000 in profit after receiving confidential information about T-Mobile's intention to acquire Sprint from a T-Mobile executive at a golf outing
    Illegally profited more than $223,000 by acting on insider information to purchase shares of Navigant Consulting stock shortly before it was acquired by another consulting firm
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Eric UlrichFmr. Commissioner [R-NY]
    Accepted over $150,000 in cash and gifts including premium NY Mets season tickets, a discounted beachfront apartment, a bespoke suit and a one-of-a-kind painting by an apprentice of Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí in exchange for helping his co-conspirators gain special access to top officials to get a leg up on various pet projects of theirs
    According to charging documents filed by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
  • Sam MieleGeorge Santos Political Aide
    Impersonated a top aide to then Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in fundraising emails that tricked more than a dozen donors into giving money to George Santos's political campaign and received a 15% commission on each contribution
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Brian KelseyBrian KelseyFmr. State Senator [R-TN]Facebook iconTwitter icon11k
    Facebook iconTwitter icon11k  
    Illegally transferred $91,000 from his political campaign and a nonprofit organization to an authorized federal campaign committee supporting his candidacy using money not subject to reporting regulations to help his 2016 bid for US Congress and then hid the transactions from the FEC
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Ed MullinsFmr. NYPD Union President
    Stole roughly $1 million from a NYC police officers union by filing falsified expense reports for personal items including lavish meals and luxury clothing and over-inflating the amount he should be reimbursed for countless other expenses for over four years to such a degree that prosecutors described it as a "personal piggy bank" and then lied to federal officials when they confronted him
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Matt BorgesMatt BorgesFmr. Ohio GOP Chair
    Conspired with former state House Speaker Larry Householder to accept $60 million in bribes from a state nuclear energy company that in turn was given a $1.3 billion taxpayer bailout for two struggling nuclear power plants it operated
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Scott JenkinsScott JenkinsSheriff [R-VA]
    Accepted cash bribes totaling $72,500 to circumvent concealed carry gun laws by giving people fake deputy credentials that allowed them to carry a concealed weapon in any state without a permit
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Larry HouseholderLarry HouseholderFmr. House Speaker [R-OH]
    Masterminded a bribery scheme that saw him illegally raking in a whopping $60 million from a state nuclear energy company that in turn was given a $1.3 billion taxpayer bailout for two struggling nuclear power plants it operated
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Illegally received over $24,000 in COVID unemployment benefits from New York while he was still employed making a $120,000 salary at his job in Florida and then later hypocritically signed on as a top cosigner of a House bill meant to recover these ill-gotten funds
    Violated federal law by asserting he had upwards of $5 million in assets that didn't actually exist and falsely reported he loaned his campaign $500,000 on financial disclosure forms he submitted during his 2022 run for Congress because it helped him qualify for financial help from the RNC
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Herschel WalkerHerschel WalkerU.S. Senate Nominee [R-GA]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconYouTube icon1m
    Defrauded a donor who gave him $535,200 to use on his campaign which he diverted to his personal business accounts instead and broke campaign finance laws by not disclosing it in a scheme multiple campaign finance experts called “unprecedented,” “stunning,” and “jaw-dropping”
    According to an exclusive investigative report by The Daily Beast
  • Will DismukesFmr. State Representative
    Stole $32,000 from the Veterans Administration Hospital in Montgomery, $4,800 from a local Alabama city hall and more than $2,500 worth of flooring materials and construction materials from his previous employer over a yearslong period
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Rick JohnsonFmr. State Representative
    Accepted $110,200 in cash and other bribes including thousands of dollars' worth of sex with a prostitute and chartered flights from a businessman and two lobbyists in exchange for approving their medical marijuana business licenses during his time as chair of Michigan's marijuana licensing board
    According to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
  • John CouchJohn CouchFmr. Mayor Candidate
    Loaded his truck with stolen large scrap metal objects including an air conditioner, furnace and water heater (the latter of which a police officer caught him loading into his truck) from the dumpster area of a heating and cooling company which had signs posted in multiple areas explicitly warning people against taking anything
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Allegedly paid an accomplice $100 per day to illegally tamper with ATM machines in order to sell customer credit and debit card data online
    According to a sworn affidavit submitted to the FBI and Secret Service by alleged accomplice Gustavo Ribeiro Trelha
  • Tricia DergesTricia DergesFmr. State Representative
    Fraudulently received $296,574 in taxpayer dollars to provide COVID-19 testing at three medical clinics she owned, but the clinics were closed and didn't conduct any tests
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Robert OtterstatterFmr. City Council Member Candidate
    Stole over $600 worth of groceries by not scanning items in the self-checkout on three separate occasions
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Herschel WalkerHerschel WalkerU.S. Senate Nominee [R-GA]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconYouTube icon1m
    Moved tens of thousands of campaign dollars into an account to fund a recount that he never actually sought after his 2022 election loss in an apparent attempt to hold on to the cash instead of giving it back to donors as required by law
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Robert CzernekFmr. County Commissioner
    Accepted over $280k in kickbacks from a local excavation company in exchange for approving over $700k in invoices for purported road work they never performed over an eight-year period
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Purchased four golden retriever puppies from an Amish breeder with fraudulent checks that later bounced and left the owner of the puppies out of nearly $5,000 in lost income
    According to a complaint filed by the owner that was later dismissed when he paid him back
  • Jeremy HutchinsonJeremy HutchinsonFmr. State Senator [R-AR]25 Years in GOP
    Illegally spent over $100,000 in campaign contributions on personal expenses and then tried to cover it up by filing numerous false tax returns
    He pleaded guilty to tax and wire fraud and was sentenced to 46 months in prison and ordered to pay over $350,000 in fines
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Pocketed $3,000 from a GoFundMe fundraiser meant to save a homeless veteran's dying service dog who later died
    According to an investigative report by
  • Richard BurrRichard BurrFmr. U.S. Senator [R-NC]Twitter iconFacebook icon276k
    Cashed in between $628,000 and $1.72 million in stocks from companies seen as vulnerable to the burgeoning COVID-19 outbreak over a series of 33 separate transactions after receiving confidential briefings as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee
    According to financial disclosures reported on by the media
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Stole a checkbook from a dying man his mother was caring for and used the stolen checks to purchase clothing and shoes while living in Brazil
    According to police in Brazil who said he confessed to the crime before leaving for the USA to elude authorities
    Collected $50 per person at a fundraiser he hosted for animal rescue charity Friends of Pets United that did not appear to exist which makes you wonder where that money went
    According to an investigative report by The New York Times
  • Danny RampeyDanny RampeyState Rep. Nominee [R-GA]
    Stole prescription drugs from senior citizens residing in an assisted living community he managed by entering their apartments when they were not home and was caught in the act by police who had been tipped off by residents who reported their missing prescriptions to the authorities
    According to charging documents filed by the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office
  • Herschel WalkerHerschel WalkerU.S. Senate Nominee [R-GA]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconYouTube icon1m
    Claimed a $1,500 homestead tax exemption meant for people who claim Texas their "principal residence" while he was running for a Senate seat in Georgia at the exact same time
    According to publicly available tax documents obtained by CNN
  • Todd ChrisleyTodd ChrisleyMedia Personalities [R]
    Illegally obtained over $30 million in loans by lying to numerous financial institutions about their assets and then failed to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal taxes on the ill-gotten money
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Laurie SmithLaurie SmithFmr. Sheriff [R-CA]52 Years in GOP
    Raked in thousands of dollars in illegal campaign donations and accepted gifts including a suite at an NHL game from wealthy donors in exchange for special treatment helping them obtain concealed weapons permits that her office was in charge of approving
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Steve BannonSteve BannonFmr. Trump Chief StrategistLauded by Trump
    Stole $1 million in donations from a "We Build the Wall" GoFundMe campaign using fake invoices and accounts
    According to charging documents filed by the Manhattan District Attorney's office
  • Project VeritasProject Veritas   Instagram iconYouTube iconTwitter iconFacebook iconTruthSocial icon5.6m
    Instagram iconYouTube iconTwitter iconFacebook iconTruthSocial icon5.6m  
    Purchased a diary stolen from Joe Biden's granddaughter for $40,000 and soon after leaked it to a reporter at another rightwing outlet who posted the private material days before the 2020 Presidential election
    According to court records reported by The Intercept
  • Joe MartinezJoe MartinezFmr. County Commissioner
    Accepted three $5k checks from a local business owner in exchange for a proposing an ordinance that would personally benefit them
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Cade CothrenCade CothrenGlen Casada Chief of Staff
    Created a fictitious consulting company along with state reps. Glen Casada and Robin Smith where they charged taxpayers $51,947 for official mailing services and hid his involvement in the scheme by submitting fake invoices to state officials and also paid Casada and Smith a bribe in exchange for their help in securing government approval for the fake consulting company to operate as an official state vendor
    According to charging documents filed in federal court
  • Glen CasadaGlen CasadaFmr. House Speaker [R-TN]
    Created a fictitious consulting company along with state rep. Robin Smith and his chief of staff where they charged taxpayers $51,947 for official mailing services and hid his involvement in the scheme by submitting fake invoices to state officials and also accepted bribes from his chief of staff in exchange for his help in securing government approval for the fake consulting company to operate as an official state vendor
    According to charging documents filed in federal court
  • David RiveraDavid RiveraFmr. U.S. Representative
    Failed to report hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of taxable income to the government and siphoned even more to himself through a PAC that he earned from working as an unregistered foreign agent and lobbyist for the Venezuelan government
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Richard ImpallariaRichard ImpallariaFmr. State Representative
    Illegally paid $92,800 in taxpayer funds to his legislative aide's relatives to pay for rent at two cottages located well outside his district by falsely declaring that one cottage was his district office which entitled him to a taxpayer funded stipend
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Dean TranDean TranFmr. State Senator [R-MA]
    Forced his way into an elderly woman's house and stole her late husband's handgun as she hid in the bedroom
    According to an indictment announced by the Massachusetts Attorney General
  • Mark ThompsonCounty Commissioner [R-MO]
    Stole a lawn sign that belonged to a political opponent of his while driving in a truck owned by county taxpayers mere months after being caught on video stealing the same opponent's sign from the parking lot of a private business
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • John OxendineJohn OxendineFmr. Commissioner [R-GA]
    Raked in over $600,000 in kickbacks from a health insurance fraud scheme that charged providers with over $2.5 million worth of unnecessary tests that were ordered from doctors and conducted by a pharmaceutical company who were all involved in the conspiracy
    According to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
    Spent roughly $100,000 in campaign donations on personal expenses that included a down payment on a home, luxury cars and childcare expenses
    According to a complaint filed by the Georgia Ethics Commission which he settled by agreeing to forfeit $128,000 dollars left in his campaign account without admitting any guilt
  • Madison CawthornMadison CawthornFmr. U.S. RepresentativeInstagram iconTwitter iconFacebook iconTruthSocial iconGab icon1.4m
    Promoted a new cryptocurrency he had secret information on one day before it was released to the public without disclosing his investment as required by law
    The House Ethics Committee ordered Cawthorn to pay $14,237.49 to charity after their investigation concluded he acted improperly
  • Nathan TaborNathan TaborFmr. Forsyth County GOP ChairFacebook iconInstagram icon36k
    Facebook iconInstagram icon36k  
    Stole valuable parts from vehicles that belonged to a local church, Habitat for Humanity and at least two residences before getting caught by the police
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Paul KennedyPaul KennedyFmr. Mayor [R-NJ]
    Stole an unknown amount from parking meters that was supposed to be deposited into a government bank account and sold government office furniture through a social media account with the intention of keeping the money he made from the sale
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • James HarrisJames HarrisFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
    Stole a trailer's worth of his competitor's campaign signs and was caught red-handed by two of them who witnessed it
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • David SchamensTrump PAC Exec
    Defrauded 25+ people out of $6.8 million through a Ponzi scheme they thought was being invested on their behalf but was used to fund his lavish lifestyle instead
    According to charging documents filed by federal authorities
  • Robin SmithFmr. State Representative
    Accepted an illegal $24,000 bribe in exchange for pressuring other state lawmakers to contract with a fake consulting company the state speaker of the house secretly created
    She pled guilty to wire fraud and agreed to become a cooperating witness for the prosecution
  • Victor BarbosaFmr. City Council Member
    Didn't scan an item at two separate self-checkout registers at a local Walmart and claimed it was done "inadvertently" when confronted by store security, but presumably from guilt later resigned from his city council position
    According to a report by The Daytona beach News-Journal
  • John NovelloJohn NovelloFmr. County Commissioner
    Tricked a financial lender into giving him a $1 million loan to purchase and renovate a family home which he falsely represented as an investment property through a fake company
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Terry O'DonnellTerry O'DonnellFmr. State Representative
    Used his stature as the second highest-ranking member of the state senate to push through legislation that he knew would have a direct positive impact on his wife's finances she otherwise would not have been able to pursue if the law weren't changed
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Nathan TaborNathan TaborFmr. Forsyth County GOP ChairFacebook iconInstagram icon36k
    Facebook iconInstagram icon36k  
    Stole a $6,000 golf cart with the help of an accomplice and then sold it to him for $1,000
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Stew PetersStew PetersPodcasterTwitter iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon1.5m
    Twitter iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon1.5m  
    Committed a robbery with a weapon while falsely identifying as a police officer
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Roy McGrathFmr. Chief of Staff [R]
    Engineered an illegal $233,647 taxpayer funded payment to himself from the Maryland Environmental Service by lying that then Maryland Governor Larry Hogan approved it as his severance
    According to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
  • Michael CappsFmr. State Representative
    2021 09
    Illegally took $355,550 in state and federal COVID relief by falsely claiming the money would go to pay nonexistent employee's salaries
    According to charging documents by federal prosecutors
  • John LambertJohn LambertStudents for Trump Founder
    Swindled multiple unsuspecting victims out of at least $46,654 by posing as a lawyer and providing them legal advice he wasn't credentialed to give by falsely claiming he earned a law degree from NYU and a finance degree from UPenn and had 15 years of experience in corporate and patent law under his belt
    According to charging documents filed by
  • Allen WeisselbergAllen WeisselbergCFO [R-NY]
    2021 05
    Unlawfully evaded paying almost $2 million in taxes over a sixteen-year period on items including rent, luxury cars and private school tuition for his grandchildren
    He pled guilty to all charges and testified against the Trump Organization before being sentenced to five months in jail
  • Roger StoneRoger StoneTrump Senior Advisor [R]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial iconGab icon1.2m
    Illegally sheltered hundreds of thousands of dollars in a trust and a company he owned in order to avoid paying $205,410 in back taxes he and his wife owed to the IRS
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by federal officials
    Failed to pay roughly $400,000 in taxes and penalties he owed on his 2017 tax bill
    According to a lawsuit filed by federal officials
  • Joel GreenbergJoel GreenbergFmr. Tax Collector [R-FL]Friend of Rep. Matt Gaetz
    Embezzled $400k in taxpayer money by using a government issued credit card on personal purchases including cryptocurrency and professional sports memorabilia
    He pled guilty to a larger package of charges and then cooperated with federal authorities on a larger sex-trafficking investigation
  • Ken PaxtonKen PaxtonAttorney General [R-TX]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon701k
    Accepted thousands of dollars' worth of home remodeling and repairs in addition to securing employment for a woman he was having an affair with from wealthy real estate developer Nate Paul in exchange for investigating Paul's business adversaries and helping him settle a lawsuit in his favor
    According to an official complaint filed by seven of Paxton's top aides
  • Sam McCannSam McCannFmr. State Senator [R-IL]
    Spent over $600,000 in campaign funds on personal expenses including his mortgage, paying off personal loans, multiple vehicles, a motor home, family vacations and a host of other things that had nothing to do with his campaign
    According to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors