South Carolina Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in SC

Scandal Categories
South Carolina Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals
South Carolina Republican Executive Branch Scandals
South Carolina Republican State Legislator Scandals
Billy OswaldFmr. State Sen. Candidate

Groped a female subordinate's breasts and crotch and also made inappropriate gestures towards her

Offered numerous female employees up to a $15k raise if they agreed to have sex with him whenever he wanted

Paid to have sex with multiple prostitutes in various rooms in his law office

According to a federal lawsuit filed by a former employee
Paul Campbell Jr.Fmr. State Senator [R-SC]

Rear-ended a vehicle while driving under the influence and tried to get out of it by switching places with his wife before the police arrived, but the victim told police she saw him behind the wheel when he crashed into her after which he was arrested

According to charging documents filed by local police
Tom DavisState Senator [R-SC]

Passed out with his head against his steering wheel after pulling over in a strip mall parking lot because he realized he was too drunk to drive

According to the arresting officer who cited him for public intoxication
John CoursonFmr. State Senator [R-SC]

Stole $159k from his election campaign and spent it on personal expenses by routing funds through a political consulting firm that in turn paid him over a series of transactions

According to charging documents filed by federal officials
Thad ViersFmr. State Representative

Conspired with a business executive to hide $524,000 in assets owed to an insurance company that was then left on the hook for a $6 million contract his coconspirator failed to fulfill and then intentionally lied to an IRS investigator when questioned about it

According to charging documents filed by federal officials

Inundated his ex-girlfriend with so many calls, texts and emails after they broke up that she compiled them all into a three-ring binder and reported him to the police and continued to harass her even after a detective visited him and told him to stop contacting her

Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets

Broke into his ex-girlfriend's home by kicking in the door and stole her handgun, computer, cell phone and a number of other items while she was away at work

According to charging documents filed by local police

2007 06
Threatened to beat and sexually assault a man who was dating his estranged wife along with his mother over several menacing calls

Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Jim HarrisonFmr. State Representative

Accepted over $900,000 from a well-connected political consultant in exchange for acting in his client's interests in secret by not disclosing the true source of the funds as required by state law and later lied to a grand jury about it in an attempt to cover it up

He was found guilty and sentenced to eighteen months in prison
Rick Quinn Jr.Fmr. State Representative

2017 12
Accepted over $4 million from lobbyists working on behalf of his father's consulting firm and then advocated on their behalf for legislation that would benefit them

According to charing documents filed by state officials
South Carolina Republican Finance Official Scandals