Florida Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in FL

Scandal Categories
Florida Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals
Marco RubioU.S. Senator [R-FL]

Broke security protocols by sharing live images of a briefing U.S. Representatives & Senators had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy despite being asked not to share any posts or images until the meeting had concluded

According to reporting by NBC News & other media outlets
Augustus Sol InvictusFmr. U.S. Senate Candidate

Lit a fire with the intent of criminally intimidating counter-protesters who were challenging him and his racist companions at the 2017 "Unite the Right Rally"

According to charging documents filed by state officials
Matt GaetzTrump AG Nominee

Paid more than a dozen women tens of thousands of dollars for sex and left a paper trail by using a mobile cash app to give them the money

According to bombshell report released by the bipartisan House Ethics Committee

Attended numerous alcohol and drug-fueled "sex parties" where he consumed cocaine and other illicit drugs while he was a sitting congressman

According to an attorney representing two women who testified that they attended the parties with Gaetz

Allegedly had sex with an underage 17-year-old girl who had just completed her junior year in high school twice in one night at a party hosted by convicted sex offender Joel Greenberg and then paid her $400 in cash afterwards

According to bombshell report released by the bipartisan House Ethics Committee

Asked a young woman who was getting paid by his best friend Joel Greenberg to have sex with other men to join him for a weekend trip to the Florida Keys where he said there would be "2 guys, 4 girls" and insinuated sex would be involved

According to an exclusive report by ABC News

Had sex with a 21-year-old who was under the influence of "all kinds of controlled substances" at a drug-fueled party she was paid to attend

According to an exclusive report by The Daily Beast

Snorted cocaine with a paid escort he also presumably had sex with inside an Orlando hotel room he paid for with campaign funds

According to two eyewitnesses who spoke exclusively with The Daily Beast

Had a difficult time handing his license and registration to police officers after getting pulled over for speeding, couldn't stand upright without swaying and refused field sobriety and breathalyzer tests upon which he was arrested

According to charging documents filed by local police
Will BraddockFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate

Threatened to kill his primary opponent and eventual winner Anna Luna by calling up his "Russian-Ukrainian hit squad" to take her out

According to charging documents filed by federal officials

Offered a 17-year-old boy working as a Congressional page oral sex in exchange for free lodgings at his home at the same time he was chair of a special Congressional committee dedicated to protecting exploited children

Asked a 16-year-old male Congressional page to send him photographs of himself and inquired what he could buy him for his birthday over a series of five emails that the page said "really freaked" him out and made him feel "sick"

Had sexual relations with two former male pages and sent dozens of inappropriate and sexually suggestive emails and instant messages to underage male pages over a yearslong period while also having voted in favor of numerous pieces of anti-gay legislation throughout his time in Congress

According to voluminous reports filed by mainstream media outlets

Routinely got drunk and sent sexualized emails and chat messages to underage male Congressional pages over a multiyear period

According to reporting by NBC News & other media outlets
David RiveraFmr. U.S. Representative

Illegally received $5.5 million lobbying for a Venezuelan businessman who wanted to be removed from ICE's "Most Wanted" list and then formed fake shell companies using the names of a law firm and a government official without their knowledge which he used to create false invoices and conceal his money from tax authorities

Failed to report hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of taxable income to the government and siphoned even more to himself through a PAC that he earned from working as an unregistered foreign agent and lobbyist for the Venezuelan government

According to charging documents filed by federal officials

Secretly siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars in unreported campaign donations to his personal accounts and used the money on a myriad of personal expenses including his personal credit card and only escaped charges because he exploited a little-known loophole in Florida's campaign finance laws

According to the Florida State Attorney's office
Ross SpanoFmr. U.S. Representative

Attempted to take his loaded concealed handgun onto an airplane at Tampa International Airport, but was stopped by airport security and forced to secure it before being allowed to board his flight

According to an airport spokesperson and reported by mainstream outlets
Florida Republican Executive Branch Scandals
Florida Republican State Legislator Scandals
Frank ArtilesFmr. State Senator [R-FL]

Illegally gave $44,708 to an acquaintance of his who shared the same last name as Democratic state senator to run a fake campaign as an Independent candidate with the sole intent being to confuse voters and siphon votes from the incumbent in an election which was won by Republican Ileana Garcia by just 32 votes

According to charging documents filed by local officials
Jack LatvalaFmr. State Senator [R-FL]

Routinely grabbed five female senate staff and lobbyists buttocks, breasts and other parts of their bodies and threatened to retaliate against them by refusing to take meetings with them if they complained about his behavior while also being married

According to an investigative report by Politico

Kissed a lobbyist on the lips in public less than two years after marrying his second wife

According to an investigative report by Politico noting a private investigator took a picture of them kissing

Serially commented on female lobbyists breasts, buttocks and bodies and encroached on their personal space inside elevators and other confined spaces

According to an investigative report by Politico
Dane EagleFmr. State Representative

Ran a stoplight and nearly crashed into a curb after he departed a Taco Bell at 2am, stumbled while getting out of his car and refused to submit to a field sobriety test after the police officer smelled a strong odor of alcohol on him and inside the car

According to a video of his arrest exclusively obtained by a local newspaper
Fabián BasabeState Representative
Was sued for sexual harassment for making unwanted sexual advances on a male legislative aide and male legislative intern

According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victims

Told his male legislative aide "I want all of that butt" and then slapped it while they were standing in the back of an elementary school classroom full of children during a Career Day event while also being married

Groped and tried to kiss his male legislative intern while being driven home from an alcohol-fueled event at a local bar and then unsuccessfully tried to convince him to come up to his hotel room to have sex while also being married

According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim

Routinely talked about homosexual sex with two male staffers, pushed for one of them to "explore his sexuality by having sex with men" and showed both a picture of a naked man he had saved on his phone

According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victims

Slapped his legislative aide across the face and instructed him to go stand in a corner after he drunkenly interrupted a conversation to ask his aide if he had recently "slept with" the woman he was talking with

According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
Joe HardingState Representative
Illegally obtained over $45,000 in Small Business Covid-Relief Funds out of $150,000 he applied for by claiming that dormant companies he owned with no employees actually had 6 employees and revenue of $800k and then lied to federal agents when they questioned him about it

According to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
Carolina AmestyFmr. State Representative

Illegally obtained $122,000 in COVID relief funds for two of her businesses by falsifying documents about their total revenues, number of employees and whether the businesses were legally incorporated to begin with

According to charging documents filed by federal officials

Forged a professor's signature and notarized a document that falsely asserted the unaccredited Christian school she founded had acquired a credentialed professor to teach there resulting in her school improperly obtaining state licensing to operate

According to charging documents filed by state officials
Mike HornerFmr. State Representative

Gave his real name when he visited a brothel presumably to have sex with a prostitute while also being married with a young child and was caught when police raided the establishment and came across his name resulting in him immediately resigning from his seat

Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Keith WestmorelandFmr. State Representative

Exposed his genitals to three underage girls in a hotel pool and hot tub

According to charging documents filed by local police
Bob AllenFmr. State Representative

Offered to perform oral sex on a random stranger in a public men's restroom for $20 mere months after he co-sponsored a bill that called for public sex offenses like this to be charged as a felony instead of misdemeanor offense

According to charging documents filed by state officials
Florida Republican Finance Official Scandals

Paid an underage girl for sexual encounters seven times and introduced her to other men who also engaged in sexual acts with her

He pled guilty to sex trafficking of a minor and was sentenced to 11 years in federal prison

Embezzled $400k in taxpayer money by using a government issued credit card on personal purchases including cryptocurrency and professional sports memorabilia

He pled guilty to a larger package of charges and then cooperated with federal authorities on a larger sex-trafficking investigation

Received over $400k in federal COVID relief by falsely claiming two defunct businesses were still operational

According to charging documents by federal authorities

Maliciously smeared his GOP primary opponent as being a racist child molester through defamatory posts from fake social media accounts he created

According to charging documents filed by federal officials
Florida Republican Mayor Scandals
Teresa HeitmannMayor [R-FL]
Rammed through a mailbox and drove her vehicle onto the lawn of couple she drunkenly tailgated home and was arrested by police when they arrived who determined she was heavily intoxicated with a BAC over twice the legal limit

According to charging documents filed by local police
John HammockFmr. Mayor [R-FL]

Strangled his wife during an argument and was arrested after police determined he “committed an act of felony domestic violence” against her

According to charging documents filed by local police
Kevin HohnFmr. Mayor [R-FL]

Produced and distributed over 300 felony images and 40 videos of two underage girls he secretly recorded in various stages of undress with a hidden camera and was also found in possession of over 100,000 images and 1,000 videos depicting children participating in sexual conduct when police arrested him

According to charging documents filed by federal officials
Florida Republican City Official Scandals
Other Florida Republican Scandals
William PruittFmr. Chief of Police

Raped a 14-year-old girl twice at gunpoint after luring her into his truck, threatened to "blow her brains out" if she ever told anyone, conspired with friends who were former police officers to send a torrent of threatening messages to scare her from reporting it to the authorities and continued to stalk her even after being charged with raping her

According to charging documents filed by local police
George KruseCommissioner [R-FL]

Lost control of his truck and slammed into a tree and then refused a breathalyzer test after police noticed he had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and reported that he was "obviously impaired"

According to charging documents filed by local police
Julianna StroutCommissioner [R-FL]

Falsely asserted she was a paralegal to federal authorities so she could enter an immigration detention facility her romantic partner was being held at

She pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 50 hours of community service and probation
Joe MartinezFmr. County Commissioner

Accepted three $5k checks from a local business owner in exchange for a proposing an ordinance that would personally benefit them

According to charging documents filed by local officials
Matthew ShirkFmr. District Attorney

Discussed showering and having sex with three subordinates in private messages, sent one a private message that said "I think if we had sex there would be very minimal awkwardness afterwards," drank to excess with them in his office and later fired all three after his wife caught him

According to an exclusive report by The Florida Times-Union

Commuted the life sentence of a drug kingpin who was imprisoned for his role in the killing of an undercover police officer and who was later sent to jail after being convicted for strangling his wife

According to news reports from credible media outlets