The Ultimate Republican Scandals List

Scandal Categories
Displaying 851 - 900 of 1076 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
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    Walked in the dressing room of the 2001 Miss USA pageant when most of the contestants were naked or topless which made then 18-year-old Miss Arizona Tasha Dixon feel "very physically vulnerable" because she and other contestants weren't given a chance to cover up first
    According to firsthand witnesses and reported by multiple major outlets
    Hugged Miss New Hampshire Bridget Sullivan “just a little low" on her backside in a way a "creepy uncle" would do at a party promoting the 2000 Miss USA pageant
    Walked in the dressing room of the 2000 Miss USA pageant when all the contestants were naked in a way Miss New Hampshire Bridget Sullivan described as "really shocking" because they weren't given a chance to cover up before he entered
    According to an exclusive report by BuzzFeed News
    Solicited TV host Nancy O'Dell to have sex with him and persisted even after she rebuffed all his advances only a few months after he married Melania
    Caught on audio
    Kissed a close friend of CNN's Erin Burnett "almost on her lips" without her consent and later invited her into his office alone where he showered her with compliments and gave her his personal cell number presumably in an attempt to have an affair while married to Melania
    According to a corroborating witness and exclusively reported by CNN
    Asked one female "Apprentice" contestant what breast size she had and whether they were natural or augmented and asked other female contestants to wear shorter dresses that showed more of their cleavage on the show
    Firsthand account from former "Apprentice" contestant Gene Folkes
    Directed 24-year-old female "Apprentice" contestant Poppy Carlig to twirl in front of him so he could gawk at her body
    Confirmed by Carlig and several cast membets
    Routinely demeaned female "Apprentice" contestants by "rating" them on the size of their breasts and saying which ones he wanted to have sex with
    Firsthand accounts by producer Katherine Welker, 2004 Apprentice contestant Kristi Frank whose breasts were objectified by Trump, 2005 Apprentice winner Randal Pinkett, 2010 Apprentice contestant Gene Folkes & 22 former Apprentice contestants and crew members
    Incessantly made inappropriate and lewd comments about an "Apprentice" camerawoman's buttocks and body and often stopped production to look at the camera she was operating over a period of more than 2 years
    Firsthand accounts by producer Katherine Welker, Former "Apprentice" employees German Abarca, Rebecca Arndt & six former crew members, Corroborated by two crew members who said the victim told them how uncomfortable Trump's comments made her
    Openly discussed which female "Apprentice" contestants he’d like to have sex with -- sometimes with the woman present -- while also goading male contestants into participate by asking them questions like "you’d f*ck her, wouldn’t you? I’d f*ck her"
    Firsthand accounts by producer Katherine Welker, 2004 Apprentice contestant Kristi Frank whose breasts were objectified by Trump, 2005 Apprentice winner Randal Pinkett, 2010 Apprentice contestant Gene Folkes & 22 former Apprentice contestants and crew members
  • Mike YenniMike YenniFmr. Alderman [R-LA]
    Sent explicit texts to a 17-year-old boy asking if he and a 19-year-old friend of his would have three-way sex with him and for pictures of him in his underwear -- which may have violated a federal law designed to protect children from online obscenity even if it didn't violate his state's age of consent law -- leading to them eventually meeting in which he kissed him at a mall all while being married
    According to an exclusive investigative report by WWL-TV
  • Vance PhillipsFmr. County Commissioner [R-DE]
    Coerced an 18-year-old young woman who was only 16 when they first met and 30 years younger than him into a monthslong sexual relationship where she was compelled to participate in bondage fetishes of his that included using ropes, clamps, chains and sex toys that she did not willingly consent to and then threatened her with "a world of hurt" if she ever rebuffed his incessant advances
    According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Refused to publicly release his tax returns before the 2016 election and while he was President which broke over forty years of precedent meant to show that the President does not have any financial conflicts of interest that could affect his decision making
    According to voluminous reports filed by mainstream media outlets
    Was sued by co-host Andrea Tantaros who alleged Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, former Senator Scott Brown and another male sexually harassed and made inappropriate comments to her
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Jim GuthrieJim GuthrieState Senator [R-ID]
    Engaged in an extramarital affair with state representative Christy Perry where they would take advantage of legislative trips to discreetly spend time together without raising any suspicious from his wife
    According to a report by the East Idaho News
  • Curry ToddFmr. State Representative [R-TN]
    Was videotaped stealing his GOP primary opponent's lawn signs in two separate locations in broad daylight after his rival campaign staked them out after many of their signs went missing presumably because numbnuts here stole them
    According to an arrest report by the local police
  • Anthony SilvaAnthony SilvaFmr. Mayor [R-CA]
    Gave alcohol to underage male camp counselors as young as 16-years-old and also filmed and photographed many of the boys getting completely naked as they played strip poker in his bedroom
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • John OremFmr. Sheriff Candidate [R-VA]
    Overdosed on heroin twice in a twelve-hour timespan and was administered a drug to reverse their effects both times
    According to court records reported by local media
  • Roger AilesRoger AilesFmr. Fox News CEO
    Coerced top Fox News staffer Laurie Luhn -- who was 22 years younger than him -- into starting an abusive sexual relationship while he was still married that lasted 20+ years and used the threat to release a videotape he made of her dancing in lingerie to help maintain psychological control
    According to an investigative report by New York Magazine who read a confidential $3.15MM settlement Fox News paid
    Told Rudi Bakhtiar to stand up in front of him so he could look at her legs during her job interview and then laughed and told her to sit down after she asked him if that was "part of the job requirement"
    According to an exclusive report by New York Magazine
  • Brian WilsonFmr. Fox News Reporter
    Made a series of unwanted sexual advances towards newly hired correspondent and subordinate Rudi Bakhtiar and asked her to be "friends with benefits" with him even after she rebuffed his sexual advances and then reassigned her off his team when he was promoted
    According to an exclusive report by New York Magazine
  • Frank AntenoriFmr. State Senator [R-AZ]
    Unlawfully entered and hunted wild game on the grounds of a restricted military base in southern Arizona
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative [R-TN]
    Had sex with a 20-year-old college student in his government office after drunkenly texting her that he'd like to see her "naked around midnight" and enticing her with a cooler full of beer and later had sex with her in his own home while also being married
    Kissed a legislative assistant on the neck without her consent and sent suggestive text messages asking her for risqué pictures while also being married, which led to her quitting and finding a new job in the private sector to avoid interacting with him
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
    Solicited erotic pictures from three unsuspecting female legislative staff over dozens of sexualized texts and social media messages while also being married
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
    Made "quite a display" of putting his hand in his pocket to accentuate his penis as he offered an unwrapped breath mint to a female lobbyist who merely asked for a piece of candy from a jar on his desk which led her to give him the nickname "Pants Candy"
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
    Sexually harassed 22 female legislative staff, interns, lobbyists and others over a three-year period which led to the Tennessee House overwhelmingly voting to remove him from office
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
  • Drew HastingsFmr. Mayor [R-OH]
    Listed a fake address on his declaration of candidacy forms and illegally claimed a city refund of $500 on a vacant building he owned and altered official documents related to the refund
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Roger AilesRoger AilesFmr. Fox News CEO
    Solicited anchor Gretchen Carlson for sexual favors while also being married and then punished her professionally after she refused his advances in a manner so egregious that Fox News settled a lawsuit she filed for $20 million dollars
    According to the details of a civil settlement and public apology Fox News gave Ms. Carlson
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
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    Allegedly tied a thirteen-year-old girl to a bed and raped her at a sex party hosted by Jeffrey Epstein and struck her in the face with his open hand after she pleaded with him to stop while he was married to Marla
    Corroborated by "Tiffany Doe" who was hired by Epstein to recruit underage girls for sex
    Allegedly forced a thirteen-year-old girl to manually stimulate him until he ejaculated at a sex party hosted by Jeffrey Epstein while he was married to Ivana
    Corroborated by rape of the two young girls in sworn testimony, Trump's ex-wife Ivana privately confided to multiple friends that he raped her
    Allegedly forced two young girls aged 12 and 13 to perform oral sex on him and to engage in lesbian sex in front of him at a sex party hosted by Jeffrey Epstein while he was married to Ivana
    Repeatedly grabbed Miss Washington Cassandra Searles's buttocks and asked her to come to his hotel room to presumably have sex while he was married to Melania
    Firsthand account from Searles
  • Scott SteinerScott SteinerState Judge [R-CA]
    Had sex with an intern in his private chambers and then later wrote her a letter of recommendation for a job in the local DA's office while also being a married father of two young children who ran on a platform highlighting the "importance of family" in his life
    Had sex with an attorney who practiced in his court in his private chambers while also being a married father of two young children who ran on a platform highlighting the "importance of family" in his life
    According to an investigative report by The Washington Post
  • Terry BurtonFmr. State Senator [R-MS]
    Crashed his car into a stop sign after drinking multiple alcoholic beverages inside a VIP tent at a concert and was found to have a BAC of .10 when police arrived
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
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    Kissed 21-year-old Miss USA contestant Temple Taggart "directly on the lips" without her consent on two occasions that made her say to herself "Oh my God, gross!" while he was married to Marla Maples
    Firsthand account from Taggart
    Asked Miss Universe Brook Lee "Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?" as they watched a then 16-year-old Ivanka helping on stage during the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant in an incident she described thinking at the time as "That’s just weird. She was 16. That’s creepy."
    Corroborated by Miss Universe Brook Lee
  • Jesse BentonJesse BentonFmr. Rand Paul Campaign Manager
    Illegally paid Iowa state senator Kent Sorenson $73,000 to switch his 2016 Presidential candidate endorsement from Michelle Bachmann to Ron Paul and then falsified campaign reports to cover it up
    According to a federal jury who convicted him
  • Ed HenryEd HenryFmr. Fox News ReporterTwitter iconInstagram icon352k
    Paid $2,000 for a private exotic dance from a stripper at a Las Vegas club that turned into a nearly yearlong affair where the two would get together -- sometimes at the same resort where he married his wife -- whenever he was in Las Vegas to have sex with her
    According to an exclusive report by the Daily Mail
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Immediately "started right in on the groping under the table" of American Dream Calendar Girls vice president Jill Harth and grabbed her "intimate private parts" after he insisted on sitting next to her at a large dinner party
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    Entered 22-year-old American Dream Calendar Girls model Lauren Petrella's private room at Mar-a-Lago without her permission, laid on her bed until she entered and then tried to get her to have sex with him before being rebuffed at the same time he was engaged to Marla Maples
    Detailed in a sworn deposition in an unrelated lawsuit filed against Trump
    Forced American Dream Calendar Girls vice president Jill Harth into Ivanka's bedroom at Mar-a-Lago and "kissed, fondled, and restrained” her without consent which made her so nauseated that she "vomited profusely" while he was engaged to his soon-to-be wife Marla
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Dennis HastertDennis HastertFmr. Speaker of the House [R]
    Sexually abused and molested four teenage boys -— the youngest being only 14-years-old —- during his time as a high school educator and wrestling coach while he was married
    According to court filings submitted by federal prosecutors
  • Duncan HunterDuncan HunterFmr. U.S. Representative [R-CA]First Rep. to endorse Trump in '16
    2016 04
    Stole $250,000 from his campaign to spend on everyday personal expenses like family vacations, private school tuition and jewelry in addition to a multitude of expenses that funded at least five extramarital relationships on things like ride shares, bar tabs and hotel rooms
    He pleaded guilty to using campaign funds for private use and was sentenced to eleven months in prison, but was pardoned by Donald Trump before his sentence began
  • Corey LewandowskiCorey Lewandowski'16 Trump Campaign ManagerTwitter icon510k
    Twitter icon510k  
    2016 03
    Forcefully grabbed a reporter's arm to the point of causing a deep bruise
    According to multiple eyewitnesses accounts and video surveillance
  • Don GosenDon GosenFmr. State Representative [R-MO]
    Tricked a woman into beginning an extramarital affair with him by lying to her about being divorced when he was in fact married
    According to Gosen's own admission two days after his resignation
    Allegedly filmed himself having sex inside the state capitol with a woman he was having an extramarital affair with and also sent her at least one racy photograph of himself
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative [R-TN]
    Was accused of having an extramarital affair with a former state representative by the Lieutenant Governor
    According to a statement by Republican Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey