The Ultimate Republican Scandals List

Scandal Categories
Displaying 751 - 800 of 1074 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Trent FranksFmr. U.S. Representative [R-AZ]
    Pressured a female aide to take $5 million to carry his child as a surrogate mother and strongly implied he wanted to impregnate her through intercourse since he was against invitro fertilization
    According to a firsthand account from former aide and reported on by the Associated Press
  • Blake FarentholdBlake FarentholdFmr. U.S. Representative [R-TX]Tea Party Enthusiast
    Openly talked with a male aide about "sexual fantasies" and "wet dreams" he had about his female communications director Lauren Greene and fired her after shortly after she filed a formal complaint and then secretly paid her $84,000 in taxpayer funds from a secretive "Office of Compliance" account after she agreed to drop a federal lawsuit she filed against him
    Settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with a confidentiality agreement for $84,000 using a secret taxpayer funded account which kept it from the public for years
    According to an exclusive report by Politico
  • Rick Quinn Jr.Fmr. State Representative [R-SC]
    2017 12
    Accepted over $4 million from lobbyists working on behalf of his father's consulting firm and then advocated on their behalf for legislation that would benefit them
    According to charing documents filed by state officials
  • Blake FarentholdBlake FarentholdFmr. U.S. Representative [R-TX]Tea Party Enthusiast
    Routinely "drank to excess” at Capitol Hill functions so much that his staff felt they had to be on "red head patrol" in order to "keep him out of trouble" because he would regularly say sexually improper things to female staff and lobbyists when he was drunk
    According to an exclusive report by Politico
  • Joe BartonJoe BartonFmr. U.S. Representative [R-TX]92.4% Voted with Trump
    Had sex multiple times in one day inside his political office in rural Texas with a woman he met on Facebook while also being married
    According to an exclusive report by local radio WBAP in Texas
  • Randy BaumgardnerRandy BaumgardnerFmr. State Senator [R-CO]
    Slapped and grabbed a legislative aide's buttocks four separate times in a three-month period during work inside the state Capitol building while also being married
    According to a formal complaint filed by the alleged victim first reported by public radio station KUNC
  • Joe BartonJoe BartonFmr. U.S. Representative [R-TX]92.4% Voted with Trump
    Had sex with a woman who wasn't his wife twice -- once in Washington, D.C. and another time in Texas -- and continued to communicate with her over sexualized text messages, videos and voicemails for five more years
    According to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
    Sent pictures of himself masturbating to three women -- two whom he had an extramarital affair with -- and threatened to sic the Capitol Police on one of the women he was involved with if she went public with his naked pictures
    According to a recorded phone call between Barton and one woman he had an affair with exclusively reported by The Washington Post
    Preached the importance of adhering to Christian "family values" like being faithful to your wife but had affairs with 2 different women and sent naked pictures of himself to a third
    According to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Shared highly classified information with Russia's Foreign Minister given by Israel in confidence about an undercover mission to penetrate ISIS fighters developing undetectable bombs of which a retired former intelligence officer noted how damaging this was in that ally countries would now "think twice before sharing sensitive information" with the USA because Trump cannot be trusted to keep the information secure
    According to multiple Administration officials and reported on my numerous media outlets
  • Wes GoodmanWes GoodmanFmr. State Representative [R-OH]
    Was caught engaging in a sex act with another man in his government office while also being married to a woman
    Unzipped a sleeping 18-year-old male college student's pants and fondled him without consent while also being married
    Sexted and had phone and cybersex with at least one congressional staffer and a number of other men while also being married
    Had multiple sexual encounters with a number of young men over a yearslong period in person, online, via text and over the phone while also having spent much of his political career catering to evangelical voters by preaching the virtues of "committed natural marriage" between one man and one woman
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Ralph ShorteyRalph ShorteyFmr. State Senator [R-OK]Trump 2016 Oklahoma campaign chair
    Had multiple felony videos that police said "depicts a man engaging in sexually explicit conduct with a prepubescent girl" on his laptop when police found him in a hotel room with an underage boy
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
    Illegally consumed marijuana with a teenage boy he met on Craigslist in a hotel room after he cosponsored a bill that would have made it so people who get caught with even small amounts of marijuana would be charged with a felony instead of a misdemeanor
    According to charging documents by federal officials
  • Tony PerkinsTony PerkinsFamily Research Council LeaderTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube icon102k
    Knew that GOP candidate Wes Goodman unzipped and fondled an 18-year-olds crotch in a hotel room without his consent and could have intervened after the boys stepfather wrote to him about the incident, but concealed the abuse because the lawmaker was in a tight state congressional campaign that he went on to win
    According to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
  • Randy BaumgardnerRandy BaumgardnerFmr. State Senator [R-CO]
    Urged a legislative intern to drink alcohol with him in his office which she smartly declined as he was married and because of inappropriate comments she overheard him make days earlier about the first time he met her in which he "complained" about having to go home alone to bed and gave out an exaggerated sigh which creepily signaled that he wanted to sleep with her
    According to the former intern in an exclusive interview with a local NPR affiliate
  • Jeff KruseFmr. State Senator [R-OR]
    Approached state Sen. Sara Gelser from behind and according to her "ran both of his hands and arms down my shoulders and across my breasts", "squeezed me in a hug with his hands on my hips" and laid his head on her shoulder which left her "stunned and frozen"
    According to a formal complaint filed by state Sen. Gelser
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Poured a glass of wine down journalist Marie Brenner’s back because he was angry about an unflattering story she wrote profiling him and hiss first wife Ivana
    According to statements reported on by the victim
  • Tony CornishFmr. State Representative [R-MN]
    Told a lobbyist to "look down" at his crotch because "I have a giant erection" which she later said he clearly did following a meeting in his office
    Propositioned a lobbyist for sex over numerous text messages -- once asking if she'd be scared if he said he was only interested in "good times good wine good food and good sex" -- over a yearslong period
    According to allegations made by the lobbyist reported by local media
    Sent unsolicited sexualized text messages to fellow state rep Erin Maye Quade to playfully complain that he got reprimanded for gawking at her on the house floor over a number of messages she interpreted as a solicitation for a sexual rendezvous
    According to allegations made by the lawmaker reported by local media
  • Roy MooreRoy MooreFmr. U.S. Senate Nominee [R-AL]Twitter icon7k
    Allegedly molested a 14-year-old girl by undressing and groping her over her underwear and bra in addition to having her place her hand over his underwear when he was a 32-year-old lawyer
    According to an investigative report by The Washington Post that included confirmation from two of the girl's friends who told them about her relationship with Moore
  • Paul Campbell Jr.Fmr. State Senator [R-SC]
    Rear-ended a vehicle while driving under the influence and tried to get out of it by switching places with his wife before the police arrived, but the victim told police she saw him behind the wheel when he crashed into her after which he was arrested
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Guy WilliamsFmr. State Judge [R-TX]
    Pointed a gun at the driver of a car he was dangerously tailing and tried to run her off the road as he zoomed past her
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Jack LatvalaJack LatvalaFmr. State Senator [R-FL]
    Routinely grabbed five female senate staff and lobbyists buttocks, breasts and other parts of their bodies and threatened to retaliate against them by refusing to take meetings with them if they complained about his behavior while also being married
    According to an investigative report by Politico
    Kissed a lobbyist on the lips in public less than two years after marrying his second wife
    According to an investigative report by Politico noting a private investigator took a picture of them kissing
    Serially commented on female lobbyists breasts, buttocks and bodies and encroached on their personal space inside elevators and other confined spaces
    According to an investigative report by Politico
  • Pete HegsethPete HegsethFox News Commentator
    Had a monthslong affair with a married Fox News executive producer which resulted in a baby while also being married with kids himself
    According to a report by Mediaite
  • Bill O'ReillyBill O'ReillyFmr. Fox News HostTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube iconInstagram iconRumble icon6.5m
    Coerced Fox News legal analyst Lis Wiehl into a "non-consensual sexual relationship" while also being married himself and later secretly agreed to pay her $32 million to resolve a sexual harassment lawsuit she brought against him
    According to a settlement agreement reached between O'Reilly and his accuser
  • Omar NavarroOmar NavarroFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-CA]
    Attached an electronic tracking device on his ex-wife's car on Valentine's Day to monitor her movements
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • John KellyJohn KellyFmr. Trump Chief of StaffLauded by Trump
    Lauded by Trump  
    Failed to take appropriate security precautions to keep his personal devices secure during his time at Homeland Security and later as Trump's Chief-of-Staff, potentially exposing his private conversations to US adversaries
    According to a report by Politico
  • Tim MurphyTim MurphyFmr. U.S. Representative [R-PA]
    Asked a woman he was having an extramarital affair with to get an abortion when she told him she thought she was pregnant while also having had voted in favor of numerous abortion restrictions against women
    According to text messages he sent to her that were obtained by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
  • Charles PayneCharles PayneFox Business HostTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube icon1.1m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconYouTube icon1.1m  
    Allegedly "pressured" his way into Fox News political commentator Scottie Nell Hughes hotel room and raped her after she rebuffed his advances and told him to "stop" what he was doing while also being married
    Allegedly coerced Fox News political commentator Scottie Nell Hughes into a 3-year-long abusive sexual relationship where she was forced to have sex with him in exchange for career advances and increased facetime on Fox News and Fox Business while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Grabbed and kissed journalist Katy Tur on the cheek without her consent and before she had time to duck out of the way at the same time he was married to Melania
    Pardoned Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio after he was convicted of contempt of court for racially profiling and illegally detaining people of Latino descent before he would be sentenced for his crime
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • John ThompsonIowa GOP Board Member
    Physically threatened his ex-fiancé after finding her by tracking her location on the "Find My iPhone" App installed on her phone which prompted a judge to issue a restraining order against him
    According to a report filed by local media
  • Jason MillerJason MillerFmr. Trump Comms AdviserTwitter iconInstagram icon471k
    Twitter iconInstagram icon471k  
    Impregnated his direct subordinate on the 2016 Trump campaign who went on to have a boy after a monthslong extramarital affair while his wife was pregnant with their second child
    According to reporting by mainstream outlets
  • Eric BollingEric BollingNewsmax HostTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial icon1.9m
    Sent unsolicited nude images of himself to three female Fox News colleagues over a period of several years presumably in an attempt to have an affair with them while also being married the entire time
    According to 14 current and former Fox News sources who spoke to the Huffington Post
    Persistently called and texted a frequent Fox News guest he referred to as "Dr. McHottie" on live TV in an unsuccessful attempt to get her to fly out to New York and have "fun" with him, frequently asked her to have private meals with him and once told her that his office -- made up of wall to ceiling glass -- was his favorite place to have sex while also being married
    According to a personal statement by the alleged victim first reported by the Huffington Post
  • Joe ArpaioFmr. Sheriff [R-AZ]
    Blatantly disregarded a new law that prevented the targeting of people of Latino descent showing complete disdain for "law and order" while also having had espoused excessive over-the-top rhetoric that claimed the opposite and was found guilty of criminal contempt of court
    He was convicted of criminal contempt but was pardoned by Donald Trump before being sentenced
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Divulged the existence of a secret CIA program that armed and trained fighters aiming to topple Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad from power on his Twitter account
    According to a Tweet he posted on his official account
  • David NarramoreFmr. Letcher County GOP Chair
    Solicited a stranger for sex in a department store bathroom by using a code (tapping his foot several times) and then exposed himself to the same person and later had to be tased and physically subdued by several police officers after he fought being placed under arrest
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Joseph TurnerActivist [R]
    Accused California Republican Assembly Leader Chad Mayes of illegally using state resources to maintain his extramarital affair with former Republican Assembly Leader Kristin Olsen after he voted with Democrats to pass a major climate change initiative in the state
    According to allegations made by the conservative activist reported by local media
  • Iowa Senate RepublicansIowa Senate Republicans  
    Were ordered to pay $2.2 million to a sexual harassment victim who was fired a mere seven hours after she filed a memo that accused the group of turning a blind eye to a "boys club" culture in the statehouse
    According to a jury verdict reached in a sexual harassment suit filed against them
  • Shawn HamerlinckFmr. State Senator [R-IA]
    Often talked about female lobbyists' breast sizes -- even asking one staffer about the size of her areolas -- and how long female pages skirt lengths were right in front of them
    According to corroborated witnesses and reported by mainstream media
  • Jim FriedrichFmr. Political Analyst [R-IA]
    Would inquire about female subordinates sex lives and labele them "prudes" if they didn't play along and often said the word "c*nt" when discussing anything that has to do with a woman he disliked
    According to corroborated witnesses and reported by mainstream media