Republican Criminal Abusive Behavior Scandals

Scandal Categories
Displaying 101 - 200 of 214 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Madison CawthornMadison CawthornFmr. U.S. Representative [R-NC]Instagram iconTwitter iconFacebook iconTruthSocial iconGab icon1.4m
    Drove multiple women out into remote rural areas while in college and if they turned down his advances, he would drive back to campus recklessly at very high speeds because as one woman described it "he was upset that I had turned him down or refused his advances"
    According to firsthand accounts of several alleged victims shared The Washington Post
  • Tricia DergesFmr. State Representative [R-MO]
    Illegally prescribed more than $190k worth of strong narcotics including oxycodone, amphetamines and tramadol to patients without personally examining them first as required by law
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Ed SniffenEd SniffenFmr. Attorney General [R-AK]
    Spiked his 17-year-old student's drinks with alcohol without her knowledge while he was out partying with her and other high school students at New Orlean's bars known for loosely enforcing their liquor laws and later had sex with her in his hotel room that night
    Corroborated by two of the victim's former teammates who were told of the improper relationship the day after they first had a sexual encounter
  • Lauren BoebertLauren BoebertU.S. Representative [R-CO]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook iconYouTube icon4.1m
    Scratched her boyfriend's face and chest and vandalized the inside of his home during a drunken argument that happened when she wasn't old enough to legally drink alcohol
    According to an exclusive report by The New York Post
    Cursed and yelled at police officers who were in the process of arresting minors they caught drinking alcohol and urged the teens to run away which police reported caused the teens to become "unruly" while also portraying herself as a "law and order" politician who supports the police
    According to arrest records first reported by Colorado News Online
  • Ed HenryEd HenryFmr. Fox News ReporterTwitter iconInstagram icon352k
    Coerced a 25-year-old woman seeking his mentorship to get naked and enter the bathtub in his Las Vegas hotel suite and fondled her until she "submitted to the pressure" of his advances and had sex with him while also being married
    Left threatening messages and sent a private investigator to scare a woman he had recently sexually coerced to make sure she kept her "mouth closed" or else he would sue her
    According to a civil lawsuit filed against Henry and Fox News by Jennifer Eckhart
  • Vanessa TijerinaFmr. State Sen. Candidate [R-TX]
    Refused to obey repeated police commands to roll down her window while parked at a local restaurant because they smelled a strong odor of marijuana inside her car and suspected she was under the influence of drugs or alcohol and was caught with multiple "crack pipes" in her car that her young child was also a passenger in
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Ian SmithFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate [R-NJ]
    Killed a 19-year-old after he drunkenly barreled through a stop sign and crashed into his victim's car and admitted to police that he drank 10-12 beers not long before his crash
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Curtis HillFmr. Attorney General [R-IN]
    Drunkenly walked up and grabbed a legislative assistant's buttocks and told her and the group of women she was standing with that they'll "have to show a little skin!" if they wanted free drinks, creepily rubbed another legislative assistant's back for over two minutes and inappropriately touched a state lawmaker and another legislative assistant all at the same party which resulted in the state Supreme Court reprimanding him for committing the "criminal act of battery" and suspending him for 30 days
    According to a final ruling by the Indiana Supreme Court
  • Rebecca DohertyState Judge [R-OH]
    Crashed her SUV into a ditch and then told the police who arrived and observed vomit in her car and a strong odor of alcohol on her breath that "I am absolutely out of my mind. I am so intoxicated," failed a field sobriety test and refused a breathalyzer test and tried to get out of trouble by telling the officers that she was a judge -- several times -- and demanded they call a sheriff's deputy in a not-so-veiled attempt to avoid getting arrested for drunk driving
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Derek LewisState Representative [R-KY]
    Crashed his pickup truck into a ditch, almost fell over getting out, had bloodshot eyes, slurred his words, acted belligerently, refused to do field sobriety tests telling police “I ain’t gonna do a goddamn thing you want” and then tried to use his position in government to get out of trouble by repeatedly demanding that the deputy call the local sheriff on his behalf
    According to a police report filed by local officials
  • Omar NavarroOmar NavarroFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-CA]
    Lurked outside his ex-girlfriends home late at night and texted her "b*tch, I came to see you" from a blocked number in violation of a five-year restraining order she received against him earlier in the year and was apprehended by police when they responded to her 911 call
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Jonathan ParkerJonathan ParkerFmr. Idaho GOP Chair
    Repeatedly spied on his estranged wife from the bushes outside her apartment window while pleasuring himself which also violated a restraining order against him that she was granted
    He pleaded guilty to stalking and was sentenced to 27 days in jail and five years of probation
  • Guy WilliamsFmr. State Judge [R-TX]
    Shouted profanities at first responders who were assisting him after a car he was a passenger in crashed into two palm trees and soon after passed out in the back of a patrol car presumably because he was drunk
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Steve ReickState Representative [R-IL]
    Drove 20 mph over the speed limit, ran his truck into a curb, failed a field sobriety test during which he told an officer "I have had too much to drink tonight" and failed a breathalyzer test with a BAC of .146
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Danielle StellaFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-MN]
    Drove under the influence of alcohol, tried to flee when police attempted to pull her over and was arrested for DUI
    According to court records first reported by The Guardian
  • Matt GrossellState Representative [R-MN]
    Shoved and threw a hotel security guard to the ground and was taken to the hospital by police because he was so drunk he couldn't answer basic questions and later was arrested for refusing to leave the hospital after doctors discharged him
    He struck a plea deal to complete a five-month alcohol diversion program in exchange for his charges being dropped
  • Patrick ShanahanPatrick ShanahanFmr. Secretary of Defense [R]
    Punched his wife in the stomach during an argument witnessed by their son
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Sabrina BellSabrina BellFmr. State Judge [R-IN]
    Drunkenly flicked off and engaged in a verbal altercation with two men in another vehicle while parked outside of a White Castle restaurant around 3:15 am which escalated dramatically after two of her male colleagues were shot by one of the men following a night of heavy drinking while attending a judicial conference
    According to reports by local media
  • Terry BurtonFmr. State Senator [R-MS]
    Swerved off the road, crashed into a ditch and failed a field sobriety test when police arrived upon which he was arrested for suspected DUI
    Drove under the influence of alcohol and prescription pain killers and pled guilty to DUI the very next day
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Andy DulinFmr. State Representative [R-NC]
    Was pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving and refused a breathalyzer and field sobriety tests which resulted in police arresting him
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Brett KavanaughBrett KavanaughSupreme Court Justice [R]
    Allegedly threw high school student Christine Blasey Ford onto a bed, drunkenly tried to rip her shirt and bathing suit off, humped her body, covered her mouth with his hand when she screamed and only stopped when a classmate jumped on top of them which finally allowed her to escape
    According to a firsthand account of the assault from Christine Blasey Ford shared exclusively with The Washington Post
  • Nick SauerFmr. State Representative [R-IL]
    Shared nude images of his ex-girlfriend to eight men using a fake Instagram account under her name so that he could creepily "catfish" them by pretending to be her and sharing intimate details of her life
    According to a report by Politico
  • David MartinezDavid MartinezFmr. City Council Member Nominee [R-MN]
    Grabbed his wife by the neck and threw her against a shelving unit
    According to court records reported by local media
    Posted nude images of his wife on the internet without her consent in retaliation for a restraining order she filed against him for domestic violence
    According to charging documents filed by local police
    Screamed "f*ck you!" to multiple library staff so loudly that he could be heard in the children's area on the other side of the building then refused a police officer's order to leave after staff called them for assistance resulting in him being banned from city libraries for one month
    According to a police report filed by local officials and reported by local media
  • Nick MiccarelliNick MiccarelliFmr. State Representative [R-PA]
    Kicked, pinched and pinned his then-girlfriend state rep Tarah Toohil by the neck to a wall inside the state Capitol
    According to an exclusive report published by The New York Times
  • Tim NolanTim NolanFmr. State Judge [R-KY]
    Coerced seven underage girls in to performing sex acts with him, supplied them with heroin and other opioids and threatened to take the drugs away and report them to the police if they didn't submit to his sexual demands while also being married
    Coerced 12 young women -- all but two of whom were battling a heroin or opioid addiction and were already tangled up in the criminal justice system -- in to having sex with him by supplying them with heroin and threatened to take the drugs away and call the police on them if they rebuffed his sexual demands while also being married
    He pleaded guilty to human trafficking and was sentenced to 20 years in prison
  • Nick MiccarelliNick MiccarelliFmr. State Representative [R-PA]
    Shared intimate photos of his ex-girlfriend without her knowledge or consent
    According to an exclusive report by Penn Live
    Once brandished his gun and threatened to kill his then-girlfriend state rep Tarah Toohil and himself, threatened to kill them both by taking the car they were in up to 100 mph and crashing it and stalked her so incessantly that a judge granted her a restraining order
    Rep. Toohil [R] was granted a restraining order against Miccarelli
  • Steve WynnSteve WynnFmr. Wynn Resorts CEODonated 14.4m to Republican causes in 2020
    Coerced a massage therapist to perform more than 50 sexual acts on him in his locked office guarded by security dogs and gave her a $400 “tip” each time while also being married
    Coerced a massage therapist into giving him "happy endings" by tipping $1,000 for regular massages as a guise and then later propositioned her to give him sexual favors in return which she reluctantly agreed to after becoming financially dependent on the job and money while also being newly married
    According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
    Rubbed his exposed genitals in front of a female employee and another time also asked her, "when are you going to come into my office and f*ck me?" while also being married
    According to a report by the Daily Mail
  • David SorensenDavid SorensenTrump Speechwriter
    Allegedly ran over his wife's foot with his car, put out a cigarette on her hand, threw her against a wall, forcefully yanked her hair and routinely emotionally abused her over a yearslong period
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Rob PorterRob PorterWhite House Staff SecretaryLauded by Trump
    Punched his wife Colbie Holderness in the face giving her a black eye while they were vacationing in Italy of which she had photographic evidence
    Kicked his newlywed wife Colbie Holderness in the leg during a flight to their honeymoon destination which left her stunned because she had just married him days earlier
    According to her account in an interview with FBI agents conducting a background check on Porter
    Threw his wife Colbie Holderness on their bed and physically restrained her by grinding an elbow or knee into her body to "emphasize his anger" while he yelled at her on multiple occasions
    Firsthand account from Colbie Holderness in an interview with FBI agents conducting a background check on Porter
    Choked his wife Colbie Holderness on more than one occasion which she described a being "very scary and dehumanizing"
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    Was "abusive, degrading, a liar and a cheater" to an ex-girlfriend according to a message she sent to an ex-wife seeking someone who could "relate to the hell I have gone through" (spoiler alert: the ex-wife could)
    According to text and social media messages from the alleged victim exclusively viewed by CNN
    Smashed his fist through his estranged wife Jennifer Willoughby's glass pane of her front door while demanding to speak with her which resulted in her being granted a temporary restraining order
    According to her account in an interview with FBI agents conducting a background check on Porter
  • Steve WynnSteve WynnFmr. Wynn Resorts CEODonated 14.4m to Republican causes in 2020
    Coerced a manicurist who worked at one of his hotels to remove her clothing and have sex with him while also being married and later secretly paid her $7.5 million to settle a lawsuit she filed against him
    According to an exclusive report by The wall Street Journal
  • Joe BartonJoe BartonFmr. U.S. Representative [R-TX]92.4% Voted with Trump
    Sent pictures of himself masturbating to three women -- two whom he had an extramarital affair with -- and threatened to sic the Capitol Police on one of the women he was involved with if she went public with his naked pictures
    According to a recorded phone call between Barton and one woman he had an affair with exclusively reported by The Washington Post
  • Ralph ShorteyRalph ShorteyFmr. State Senator [R-OK]Trump 2016 Oklahoma campaign chair
    Illegally consumed marijuana with a teenage boy he met on Craigslist in a hotel room after he cosponsored a bill that would have made it so people who get caught with even small amounts of marijuana would be charged with a felony instead of a misdemeanor
    According to charging documents by federal officials
  • Paul Campbell Jr.Fmr. State Senator [R-SC]
    Rear-ended a vehicle while driving under the influence and tried to get out of it by switching places with his wife before the police arrived, but the victim told police she saw him behind the wheel when he crashed into her after which he was arrested
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Jack LatvalaJack LatvalaFmr. State Senator [R-FL]
    Routinely grabbed five female senate staff and lobbyists buttocks, breasts and other parts of their bodies and threatened to retaliate against them by refusing to take meetings with them if they complained about his behavior while also being married
    According to an investigative report by Politico
  • Bill O'ReillyBill O'ReillyFmr. Fox News HostTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube iconInstagram iconRumble icon6.5m
    Coerced Fox News legal analyst Lis Wiehl into a "non-consensual sexual relationship" while also being married himself and later secretly agreed to pay her $32 million to resolve a sexual harassment lawsuit she brought against him
    According to a settlement agreement reached between O'Reilly and his accuser
  • Omar NavarroOmar NavarroFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-CA]
    Attached an electronic tracking device on his ex-wife's car on Valentine's Day to monitor her movements
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Charles PayneCharles PayneFox Business HostTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube icon1.1m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconYouTube icon1.1m  
    Allegedly coerced Fox News political commentator Scottie Nell Hughes into a 3-year-long abusive sexual relationship where she was forced to have sex with him in exchange for career advances and increased facetime on Fox News and Fox Business while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • John ThompsonIowa GOP Board Member
    Physically threatened his ex-fiancé after finding her by tracking her location on the "Find My iPhone" App installed on her phone which prompted a judge to issue a restraining order against him
    According to a report filed by local media
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Directed three top White House officials to repeatedly call and threaten Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski that a negative article about their private lives would be published in the National Enquirer unless they call him and personally apologize for their negative coverage of him
    According to both the anchors who reported Trump's actions in the Washington Post
  • Russ CaseyRuss CaseyFmr. Justice of the Peace [R-TX]
    Coerced a subordinate into giving him oral sex multiple times -- once while he wore his black judge's robe -- and to have sex with him two times and would lash out her as a “horrible court manager” if she ever refused his advances, which she didn't do often because he was her boss, while being married the entire time
    According to a federal civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Antonio Sabàto Jr.Fmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-CA]
    Ingested excessively more prescription drugs than his doctor prescribed and quickly became dependent on them and also admitted to his partner that he previously used crystal meth before they began seeing each other
    According to divorce proceeding documents reported by major outlets
  • Dan KirbyDan KirbyFmr. State Representative [R-OK]
    Routinely pestered his legal assistant -- who was thirty years younger than him -- to text topless photos of herself and go with him to a local strip club which she did presumably because she was afraid of losing her job and then fired her after she reported his harassment
    According to reports by local and state media
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Sexually assaulted his wife Ivana Trump -- 16 months since the last time they had sex -- in a way she later described to her friends as "rape" because he blamed her for painful side effects from a plastic surgery procedure she recommended he undertake to help cover his baldness
    According to a sworn court deposition by Ivana Trump although friends said she described it to them as such right after it happened
    Violently yanked out a fistful of Ivana Trump's hair because she recommended a plastic surgeon to remove a bald spot in a procedure that he did not know would be painful
    According to a sworn court deposition by Ivana Trump
  • Vance PhillipsFmr. County Commissioner [R-DE]
    Coerced an 18-year-old young woman who was only 16 when they first met and 30 years younger than him into a monthslong sexual relationship where she was compelled to participate in bondage fetishes of his that included using ropes, clamps, chains and sex toys that she did not willingly consent to and then threatened her with "a world of hurt" if she ever rebuffed his incessant advances
    According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Anthony SilvaAnthony SilvaFmr. Mayor [R-CA]
    Gave alcohol to underage male camp counselors as young as 16-years-old and also filmed and photographed many of the boys getting completely naked as they played strip poker in his bedroom
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • John OremFmr. Sheriff Candidate [R-VA]
    Overdosed on heroin twice in a twelve-hour timespan and was administered a drug to reverse their effects both times
    According to court records reported by local media
  • Roger AilesRoger AilesFmr. Fox News CEO
    Coerced top Fox News staffer Laurie Luhn -- who was 22 years younger than him -- into starting an abusive sexual relationship while he was still married that lasted 20+ years and used the threat to release a videotape he made of her dancing in lingerie to help maintain psychological control
    According to an investigative report by New York Magazine who read a confidential $3.15MM settlement Fox News paid
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative [R-TN]
    Had sex with a 20-year-old college student in his government office after drunkenly texting her that he'd like to see her "naked around midnight" and enticing her with a cooler full of beer and later had sex with her in his own home while also being married
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
  • Terry BurtonFmr. State Senator [R-MS]
    Crashed his car into a stop sign after drinking multiple alcoholic beverages inside a VIP tent at a concert and was found to have a BAC of .10 when police arrived
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative [R-TN]
    Illegally attempted to get an Adderall prescription by altering the refill date without permission from his doctor
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Mark FullerMark FullerFmr. Federal Judge [R]
    Physically abused his wife at least eight separate times over a period of time ranging from when they were dating to the final assault that happened in a Ritz-Carlton hotel which resulted in his arrest
    According to a report conducted by federal officials submitted to Congress
  • Bill O'ReillyBill O'ReillyFmr. Fox News HostTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube iconInstagram iconRumble icon6.5m
    Allegedly choked his then-wife Maureen McPhilmy and dragged her down the stairs by her neck during an argument witnessed by his daughter
    According to allegations made by O'Reilly's daughter in court filings during his divorce proceedings
  • James ComerJames ComerU.S. Representative [R-KY]Facebook iconTwitter iconInstagram icon141k
    Physically abused his college girlfriend by grabbing her wrists so hard they would bruise and emotionally abused her by controlling many aspects of her life and demanding to approve of anyone she interacted with
    According to an exclusive interview of the alleged victim by The Courier-Journal
  • Bryce MarlattBryce MarlattFmr. State Senator [R-OK]
    Passed out in his GMC pickup with his head against the steering wheel and the truck still in gear at 3am and reeked of alcohol when police arrived who then woke him up and took him into custody
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Michelle MacDonaldFmr. Justice Nominee [R-MN]
    Rebuffed police commands to exit her vehicle and refused to submit to a breathalyzer and field sobriety test after getting pulled over for speeding and suspicion of driving under the influence and lied about being a "reserve cop" to the arresting officer in an attempt to get out of trouble
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • John CouchFmr. Mayor Candidate [R-IN]
    Trailed and harassed Democratic state rep Karlee Macer at least six times and sent a number of threatening emails and calls to her personal cellphone over a six-month period including one time when he approached her at the tax services center he worked at to let her know he "knew everything" about her
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Matt McCulloughFmr. State Sen. Nominee [R-PA]
    Drunkenly “grabbed and squeezed” a strip club employee's chest without her consent and then refused to leave after police ordered him to
    According to a police report filed by local officials and first reported on by
  • Jack StickFmr. Conservative Lawyer [R-TX]
    Drove erratically and was pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence, argued with the officer and refused to submit to a breathalyzer or field sobriety tests upon which he was arrested for drunk driving
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Mark FullerMark FullerFmr. Federal Judge [R]
    Struck his wife multiple times in the face, yanked her hair and threw her to the ground where he dragged and kicked her after she confronted him over an affair he was having with a law clerk during a fight inside their hotel room at the Ritz-Carlton
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Dustin JohnsonDustin JohnsonProfessional Golfer
    Tested positive for cocaine on two separate occasions resulting in a six-month suspension in 2012 and a leave of absence in 2014
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Donald SterlingDonald SterlingConservative Businessman [R]
    Coerced an assistant who was decades younger than him into having sex over a yearslong period by threatening to withhold her paycheck if she ever refused his advances, subjected her to a "steady stream of racially and sexually offensive comments" and fired her when she eventually stood up to him while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Chad AlexanderFmr. Oklahoma GOP Chair
    Had three grams of cocaine and illicit prescription drugs in his possession when he was pulled over for a routine traffic stop
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Dane EagleState Executive [R]
    Ran a stoplight and nearly crashed into a curb after he departed a Taco Bell at 2am, stumbled while getting out of his car and refused to submit to a field sobriety test after the police officer smelled a strong odor of alcohol on him and inside the car
    According to a video of his arrest exclusively obtained by a local newspaper
  • Matt GaetzMatt GaetzU.S. Representative [R-FL]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon3.7m
    Had a difficult time handing his license and registration to police officers after getting pulled over for speeding, couldn't stand upright without swaying and refused field sobriety and breathalyzer tests upon which he was arrested
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Thad ViersFmr. State Representative [R-SC]
    Inundated his ex-girlfriend with so many calls, texts and emails after they broke up that she compiled them all into a three-ring binder and reported him to the police and continued to harass her even after a detective visited him and told him to stop contacting her
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Rick RenziFmr. U.S. Representative [R-AZ]
    Strongarmed leaders of a copper mining company into purchasing a large tract of land from a business associate who owed him money in exchange for him sponsoring legislation that would be favorable to the company, even once explicitly telling those involved "no Sandlin Property, no bill" and then failed to pay taxes on the $733,000 he received from the sale once the deal went through
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Chuck SimsFmr. State Representative [R-GA]
    Came to a complete stop roughly 30 yards before a green traffic light at 1:45am, swerved in and out of his lane, was observed acting "confused" by police after getting pulled over and refused to take a breathalyzer test upon which he was arrested
    According to charging documents filed by local police
    Swerved in and out of his lane just before midnight and then refused to submit to a breathalyzer test when police pulled him over which resulted in his arrest
    According to charging documents filed by local police
    Handed the wrong ID to the officer who stopped him on suspicion of DUI, slurred his speech, acted "very scared and nervous" and was found to have a BAC of .105 after he submitted to a breathalyzer test
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Rob PorterRob PorterWhite House Staff SecretaryLauded by Trump
    Yanked his wife Jennifer Willoughby out of the shower by her neck and shoulders and violently screamed at her while she tried to get out of his grasp
    According to her account in an interview with FBI agents conducting a background check on Porter
  • Curry ToddFmr. State Representative [R-TN]
    Failed a field sobriety test and refused to submit to a breathalyzer test after being pulled over by police for a suspected DUI upon which they also found a loaded handgun lodged between the driver seat and center console
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Mike CrapoMike CrapoU.S. Senator [R-ID]Twitter iconFacebook icon159k
    Ran a red light and then told the officer who pulled him over that he had drank "several shots of vodka" that evening, failed multiple field sobriety tests and submitted to a breathalyzer test which found he had a BAC of .14%
    According to a police report filed by local authorities
  • David SwartzDavid SwartzFmr. County Commissioner [R-OH]
    Illegally contacted an underage victim he sexual assaulted mere months after his release from prison which violated the terms of his parole resulting in him being sent back to prison for an additional three months
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • John McGeeJohn McGeeFmr. State Senator [R-ID]
    Locked a female staffer in his office and unsuccessfully tried to get her to have sex with him while also being married with two children
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • William LewisWilliam LewisFmr. Radio Host
    Sprayed his wife's entire body with a can of disinfectant and then threw the can at her face which required her to get stitches at a local hospital
    According to a police report filed by local officials
    Choked his wife from behind, raced to snatch her cell phone before she could grab it to call for help and vaguely threatened her with violence if she called the police all in front of their two young children
    According to arrest records reported by local police
  • Randy RameyState Representative [R-IL]
    Swerved in and out of his lane on a dark country road around 2am before getting pulled over and then submitted to a breathalyzer test that found he had a BAC over twice the legal limit
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Bernard MolloyFmr. Political Aide [R-NY]
    Was involved in a minor traffic accident while driving under the influence of alcohol and was arrested when police arrived at the scene
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    Weaved through traffic lanes and had a BAC more than twice the legal limit after submitting to a breathalyzer test
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Todd PooleFmr. Ted Budd Political Aide
    Nearly crashed into oncoming traffic during an illegal left turn and was arrested after refusing a breathalyzer because police observed he had "red, glassy eyes and a strong odor of alcohol" and slurred speech
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • John McGeeJohn McGeeFmr. State Senator [R-ID]
    Stole a truck with an attached 20ft travel trailer around 3am, got stuck in a resident's driveway when he unsuccessfully attempted to turn around and then passed out inside the truck until police arrived and found him to have a BAC of .15
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Jack Tarpley Camp JrJack Tarpley Camp JrFmr. Federal Judge [R]
    Frequently paid to have sex with a stripper he also snorted cocaine and abused prescription opioids with who happened to be a confidential informant while also being married
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Phil HermansonFmr. State Representative [R-KS]
    Crashed into a car stopped at a red light so forcefully that it totaled the car and required both occupants to go to the hospital while under the influence of alcohol and prescription drugs and refused a breathalyzer test which resulted in his arrest
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • John ChartierJohn ChartierFmr. County Treasurer [R-NV]
    Had his longtime friend murder his ex-wife and her father at their home out of a bitter custody dispute over their young son in which she planned to move out of the state away from him but unfortunately was too late
    According to a jury who found him guilty of murder
  • Roy AshburnFmr. State Senator [R-CA]
    Drove his taxpayer owned vehicle erratically in the middle of two lanes, needlessly applied his brakes multiple times and idled at a stop sign for roughly one minute while no cross traffic from either direction approached after he left a popular gay bar he had been drinking at -- while also being a vocal opponent of gay rights -- after which police pulled him over around 2am and arrested him
    According to charging documents filed by local police