Violent Crimes Committed by Republicans

Scandal Categories
Displaying 201 - 249 of 249 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Sexually assaulted his wife Ivana Trump -- 16 months since the last time they had sex -- in a way she later described to her friends as "rape" because he blamed her for painful side effects from a plastic surgery procedure she recommended he undertake to help cover his baldness
    According to a sworn court deposition by Ivana Trump although friends said she described it to them as such right after it happened
    Violently yanked out a fistful of Ivana Trump's hair because she recommended a plastic surgeon to remove a bald spot in a procedure that he did not know would be painful
    According to a sworn court deposition by Ivana Trump
    Grabbed and kissed Mar-a-Lago guest Cathy Heller on the side of the mouth without consent and nearly caused her to lose balance as she tried to deflect his advances while being married to Marla
    Firsthand account from Heller, Confirmed by close friend Susan Klein whom Heller confided in soon after the alleged incident and a relative who was at the event and witnessed Trump being aggressive with her from a distance, Confided in close friends about the incident before it became public
    Digitally penetrated model Kristin Anderson through her underwear for up to 30 seconds without consent as he sat next to her in a booth at a New York nightclub while he was married to Ivana
    Moved his hands up the skirt of first-class passenger Jessica Leeds "like an octopus" that had "40 zillion hands" and also groped her breasts in an incident she described as an "assault" that she only escaped from by retreating to a seat in coach while also married to Ivana
    Kissed receptionist Rachel Crooks on the mouth without her consent outside of an elevator at Trump Tower after recently marrying Melania
    Grabbed photographer's assistant Mindy McGillivray's bottom without her consent at Mar-a-Lago and then "looked away quickly" of which the photographer recalled her saying at the time, "Donald just grabbed my ass!"
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    Pushed journalist Natasha Stoynoff against a wall and shoved his tongue down her throat in a private room at Mar-a-Lago for a minute until she managed to break away and told her "you know we’re going to have an affair, don’t you?" moments before a pregnant Melania walked in to do a joint interview on their recent wedding and marriage
    Confided in a work colleague the next day
    Hugged Miss New Hampshire Bridget Sullivan “just a little low" on her backside in a way a "creepy uncle" would do at a party promoting the 2000 Miss USA pageant
    According to an exclusive report by BuzzFeed News
    Kissed a close friend of CNN's Erin Burnett "almost on her lips" without her consent and later invited her into his office alone where he showered her with compliments and gave her his personal cell number presumably in an attempt to have an affair while married to Melania
    According to a corroborating witness and exclusively reported by CNN
  • Brandon PhillipsBrandon PhillipsMike Collins Chief of Staff
    Physically attacked his victim causing him "visible bodily harm" in addition to slashing his tires and also damaged another woman's door and laptop causing over $500 in damages
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Vance PhillipsFmr. County Commissioner
    Coerced an 18-year-old young woman who was only 16 when they first met and 30 years younger than him into a monthslong sexual relationship where she was compelled to participate in bondage fetishes of his that included using ropes, clamps, chains and sex toys that she did not willingly consent to and then threatened her with "a world of hurt" if she ever rebuffed his incessant advances
    According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Roger AilesRoger AilesFmr. Fox News CEO
    Coerced top Fox News staffer Laurie Luhn -- who was 22 years younger than him -- into starting an abusive sexual relationship while he was still married that lasted 20+ years and used the threat to release a videotape he made of her dancing in lingerie to help maintain psychological control
    According to an investigative report by New York Magazine who read a confidential $3.15MM settlement Fox News paid
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative
    Kissed a legislative assistant on the neck without her consent and sent suggestive text messages asking her for risqué pictures while also being married, which led to her quitting and finding a new job in the private sector to avoid interacting with him
    According to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Allegedly tied a thirteen-year-old girl to a bed and raped her at a sex party hosted by Jeffrey Epstein and struck her in the face with his open hand after she pleaded with him to stop while he was married to Marla
    Corroborated by "Tiffany Doe" who was hired by Epstein to recruit underage girls for sex
    Allegedly forced a thirteen-year-old girl to manually stimulate him until he ejaculated at a sex party hosted by Jeffrey Epstein while he was married to Ivana
    Corroborated by rape of the two young girls in sworn testimony, Trump's ex-wife Ivana privately confided to multiple friends that he raped her
    Allegedly forced two young girls aged 12 and 13 to perform oral sex on him and to engage in lesbian sex in front of him at a sex party hosted by Jeffrey Epstein while he was married to Ivana
    Repeatedly grabbed Miss Washington Cassandra Searles's buttocks and asked her to come to his hotel room to presumably have sex while he was married to Melania
    Firsthand account from Searles
    Kissed 21-year-old Miss USA contestant Temple Taggart "directly on the lips" without her consent on two occasions that made her say to herself "Oh my God, gross!" while he was married to Marla Maples
    Firsthand account from Taggart
    Immediately "started right in on the groping under the table" of American Dream Calendar Girls vice president Jill Harth and grabbed her "intimate private parts" after he insisted on sitting next to her at a large dinner party
    Forced American Dream Calendar Girls vice president Jill Harth into Ivanka's bedroom at Mar-a-Lago and "kissed, fondled, and restrained” her without consent which made her so nauseated that she "vomited profusely" while he was engaged to his soon-to-be wife Marla
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Dennis HastertDennis HastertFmr. Speaker of the House
    Sexually abused and molested four teenage boys -— the youngest being only 14-years-old —- during his time as a high school educator and wrestling coach while he was married
    According to court filings submitted by federal prosecutors
  • Corey LewandowskiCorey Lewandowski'16 Trump Campaign ManagerTwitter icon510k
    Twitter icon510k  
    2016 03
    Forcefully grabbed a reporter's arm to the point of causing a deep bruise
    According to multiple eyewitnesses accounts and video surveillance
  • Mark FullerMark FullerFmr. Federal Judge [R]
    Physically abused his wife at least eight separate times over a period of time ranging from when they were dating to the final assault that happened in a Ritz-Carlton hotel which resulted in his arrest
    According to a report conducted by federal officials submitted to Congress
  • Bill O'ReillyBill O'ReillyFmr. Fox News HostTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube iconInstagram iconRumble icon6.5m
    Allegedly choked his then-wife Maureen McPhilmy and dragged her down the stairs by her neck during an argument witnessed by his daughter
    According to allegations made by O'Reilly's daughter in court filings during his divorce proceedings
  • James ComerJames ComerU.S. Representative [R-KY]Facebook iconTwitter iconInstagram icon141k
    Physically abused his college girlfriend by grabbing her wrists so hard they would bruise and emotionally abused her by controlling many aspects of her life and demanding to approve of anyone she interacted with
    According to an exclusive interview of the alleged victim by The Courier-Journal
  • Matt McCulloughFmr. State Sen. Nominee
    Drunkenly “grabbed and squeezed” a strip club employee's chest without her consent and then refused to leave after police ordered him to
    According to a police report filed by local officials and first reported on by
  • Carl DeMaioCarl DeMaioFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-CA]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon113k
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon113k  
    Pleasured himself in front of campaign aide Todd Bosnich with a "smile on his face" in his office calling him in to ostensibly discuss work related matters
    According to an exclusive report by CNN
  • Mark FullerMark FullerFmr. Federal Judge [R]
    Struck his wife multiple times in the face, yanked her hair and threw her to the ground where he dragged and kicked her after she confronted him over an affair he was having with a law clerk during a fight inside their hotel room at the Ritz-Carlton
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Lavon HeidemannLavon HeidemannFmr. Lt. Governor [R-NE]
    Grabbed his sister's wrists and forcefully pushed her out of their 84-year-old mother's bedroom during an argument where he also got within six inches of her face and screamed uncontrollably at her which resulted in his sister seeking and receiving a protective order against him
    According to an exclusive report first published by the Omaha World-Herald
  • Donald SterlingDonald SterlingConservative Businessman [R]
    Coerced an assistant who was decades younger than him into having sex over a yearslong period by threatening to withhold her paycheck if she ever refused his advances, subjected her to a "steady stream of racially and sexually offensive comments" and fired her when she eventually stood up to him while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Lawrence TaylorLawrence TaylorConservative Athlete [R]
    Paid $300 to have sex with a 16-year-old girl virgin he claimed to have thought was a 19-year-old prostitute and ignored her attempts to squirm out of his grip by telling her to "just relax" while also being married
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Rob PorterRob PorterWhite House Staff SecretaryLauded by Trump
    Yanked his wife Jennifer Willoughby out of the shower by her neck and shoulders and violently screamed at her while she tried to get out of his grasp
    According to her account in an interview with FBI agents conducting a background check on Porter
  • John McGeeJohn McGeeFmr. State Senator [R-ID]
    Pulled out his penis and began masturbating in front of a female staffer in his locked office after he unsuccessfully pressured her to take her shirt off while also being married with young children
    Firmly grabbed a female staffer's buttocks without her consent while also being married
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Eric BodenweiserEric BodenweiserFmr. State Sen. Nominee
    Molested and sexually abused a 10-year-old boy over a period of three years while propagating "family values" as a bedrock principal of his political philosophy at the same time
    He pled guilty to a less serious charge of unlawful sexual contact of a minor and was sentenced to one year probation and had to register as a sex offender
  • Greg PetersonGreg PetersonFmr. Activist [R]
    Repeatedly raped a woman he met at a church singles function at a secluded cabin he drove her to under the guise of taking her to a movie instead
    Raped a woman he met online at his secluded cabin and then held her for an additional two days at his mother's house where he threatened to tell authorities about her expired visa if she talked
    Threw a woman onto her couch and sexually assaulted her when he showed up to her house ostensibly to pick her up for a preplanned date
    Forced a woman into her bedroom and sexually assaulted her after she invited him into her house for a lunch date they had set up after initially meeting online
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • William LewisWilliam LewisFmr. Radio Host
    Choked his wife from behind, raced to snatch her cell phone before she could grab it to call for help and vaguely threatened her with violence if she called the police all in front of their two young children
    According to arrest records reported by local police
  • John ChartierJohn ChartierFmr. County Treasurer [R-NV]
    Had his longtime friend murder his ex-wife and her father at their home out of a bitter custody dispute over their young son in which she planned to move out of the state away from him but unfortunately was too late
    According to a jury who found him guilty of murder
  • Steve NunnSteve NunnFmr. State Representative
    Intentionally shot and killed his former fiancé months after she sought and received a protective restraining order against him
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Samuel KentSamuel KentFmr. George H W Bush Federal Judge
    Grabbed his personal secretary Donna Wilkerson's head and forced it down towards his groin, forcibly kissed her on the mouth after pinning her against his office door and subjected her to a myriad of other physical and emotional abuse over a seven-year period while also being married the entire time
    Touched court employee Cathy McBroom under her clothing on two occasions which she likened to "being molested and groped by a drunken giant” and constantly solicited her for sexual favors over a period of six years while being married the entire time
    According to court records reported by the media
  • Ted KlaudtTed KlaudtFmr. State Representative
    Digitally penetrated and fondled his 16 and 18-year-old foster daughters' breasts after deceitfully convincing them to let him perform "tests" on their private areas ostensibly to determine if they were good candidates to donate their eggs in exchange for a large sum of money while also being their trusted caregiver and a married father
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Ted HaggardTed HaggardPastor [R]Facebook icon2k
    Grabbed a bottle of lotion and began masturbating in front of a 20-year-old male volunteer at the church he led while they were lying in bed together even after being asked not to while also being married to his wife
    According to multiple reports by mainstream outlets
  • David SwartzDavid SwartzFmr. County Commissioner
    Repeatedly raped and sexually violated a young girl over a ten-year period beginning when she was just six years old
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Allen WestFmr. Texas GOP Chair
    Fired his gun inches from the head of a detained Iraqi police officer after his subordinates beat him in order to gain information that the detainee later described as "meaningless information induced by fear and pain" in violation of international law and was fined $5,000 by a military court
    According to the results of the military hearing reported on by the media